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In this application we are called to implement clustering algorithms on vectors using Locality Sensitive Hashing. Also, the goal is to reduce the dimensionality with random projection on Hypercube.


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This is the 1st project of the course "Software Development for Algorithmic Problems". In this project, we achieved the following:

  1. implemented 2 differrent approaches to tackle the approximate nearest neighbour search problem: LSH and Hypercube Randomized Projection
  2. implemented the improved version of the well-known clustering algorithm k-Means, which is called k-Medians++

The dataset used in the 2 tasks above was MNIST. Each handwritten digit image has a resolution of 28x28 pixels. Consequently, we store each image as a "flattened" vector of size 784 (28 x 28 = 784). To calulate the distance between 2 points in our datasets we used the manhattan distance

Nearest Neighbour Search

Both methods mentioned above (LSH and Hypercube) work in a similar manner. The following sequence of steps happens before the actual search process takes place:

  1. program reads in the input dataset (or training set), which in our case consists of 60.000 images of handwritten digits (0 - 9).
  2. then, the program builds the actual data structures that will be used in the search process. All input dataset points are stored in these data structures
  3. next, the program reads in the query set (or test set)
  4. search starts: for each point in the query set find:
    1. its N nearest neighbours approximately (Approximate k-NN)
    2. its N nearest neighbours using brute-force search (Exact k-NN)
    3. its nearest neighbours approximately that lie inside a circle of radius R

Where these 2 methods differ, is how each one builds its appropriate data structures and chooses to store (hashing) the input dataset.
In general, The whole purpose of these 2 methods is to deliver an efficient -but approximate- type search that significantly reduces search time compared to Exact k-NN, but it also produces high accuracy results


Using the same dataset file as input, the goal of this program is to "group" as accurately as possible the input datapoints into clusters. Ideally, the clusters produced by the program should only contain images of the same handwritten digit (default numbers of clusters is 10) .
The (iterative) algorithm selects its initial centroids using an improved initialization technique called initialization++, assigns points to their closest centroid using one of Lloyd's or LSH or Hypercube assignment methods and uses the median update rule to update the centroids.
The algorithm stops, when the observed change in cluster assignments is relatively small. For this purpose, the k-medians objective function (l1 norm) is calculated after each iteration.


For the LSH method, run the following commands:

$ cd src/lsh  
$ make  
$ ./lsh -d ../../datasets/train-images-idx3-ubyte -q ../../datasets/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte 
        -k <num_hash_functions> -L <num_hash_tables> -o <output_file> 
        -N <num_of_nearest_neighbours> -R <radius>

For the Hypercube method, run the following commands:

$ cd src/cube  
$ make  
$ ./cube -d ../../datasets/train-images-idx3-ubyte -q ../../datasets/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte 
         -k <projection_dimension> -M <max_candidates> -probes <max_probes> -o <output_file> 
         -N <num_of_nearest_neighbours> -R <radius>

Both methods can also run without explicit command line arguments i.e by simply running $ ./lsh or $ ./cube after of course navigating to the appropriate directory. In this case, default argument values will be used.
The formatted output will be written to the output file specified by the user. This is how it looks like:

Query: image_number_in_query_set
Nearest neighbor-1: image_number_in_dataset
distanceLSH: <int> [or distanceHypercube respectively]
distanceTrue: <int>
Nearest neighbor-N: image_number_in_dataset
distanceLSH: <int> [or distanceHypercube respectively]
distanceTrue: <int>
tLSH: <double>  [or tHypercube respectively]
tTrue: <double>
R-near neighbors:
. . .

Finally, for clustering, run the following commands:

$ cd src/cluster
$ make
$ ./cluster -i ../../datasets/train-images-idx3-ubyte -c ../../include/cluster/cluster.conf
            -o <output_file> --complete <optional> -m <method: Classic or LSH or Hypercube>

The formatted output will be written to the output file specified by the user. This is how it looks like:

Algorithm: Lloyds OR Range Search LSH OR Range Search Hypercube
CLUSTER-1 {size: <int>, centroid: array with the centroid's components}
CLUSTER-Κ {size: <int>, centroid: array with the centroid's components}
clustering_time: <double> //in seconds
Silhouette: [s1,...,si,...,sΚ, stotal]
// si=average s(p) of points in cluster i, stotal=average s(p) of points in dataset
// Optionally with command line parameter –complete 
CLUSTER-1 {centroid, image_numberA, ..., image_numberX}
CLUSTER-Κ {centroid, image_numberR, ..., image_numberZ}


In this application we are called to implement clustering algorithms on vectors using Locality Sensitive Hashing. Also, the goal is to reduce the dimensionality with random projection on Hypercube.







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