I use this urdf file:
located at :
that I copied in another folder easier to reach.
Then I followed the step provided in this tutorial: https://docs.omniverse.nvidia.com/isaacsim/latest/advanced_tutorials/tutorial_advanced_adding_new_manipulator.html
- copy the urdf assets (cobotta_pro_900.urdf, cobotta_pro_900_visualization and onrobot_rg6_visualization) under a new folder URDF_Folder_Path/cobotta_pro_900. These assets could be found at /extscache/omni.importer.urdf-*/data/urdf/robots/cobotta_pro_900
- Launch Omniverse Isaac Sim using the launcher.
- Open the URDF Importer through Isaac Utils > Workflows > URDF Importer
- In the extension window, choose the URDF file under Import > Input File, check Create Physics Scene and Fix Base Link, choose the Joint Drive Type to be Position, and uncheck the Parse Mimic Joint tag.
- Click on Import in the extension window.
Which gave me this usd file: