This is my HomeAssistant Floorplan Dashboard configuration.
The main goal was to have the day-to-day activations and information readily visible and everything else (like schedulers, history graphs) available upto 1-click away. My main interface with the systen is via two wall mounted DIY 15.6 RaspberryPi based touchscreens. One on each floor.
You can take a glance at the functionality in the below video (although not up-to-date):
The UI is defined in the lovelace_new_data.yaml file. The files is divided into sections with each section having a commented header. Each sections implements a different part of the Dashboard.
All house images were created using SweetHome3D software and manipulated using GIMP image editing SW. Two main floorplan images are the starting point:
- All lights OFF
- All light ON - from there each light ON image was created/extrated seperately
Only custom cards can be displayed on the UI so if an internal HA card need to be shown then a custom card template should be used as wrapper.
- My Home Assistant Configuration
Contains parameters and settings for the UI to easily change the look&feel of the UI. Includes lists of entities and their parameters for placement, icons, actions, etc...
Contains "functions" to simplify reoccuring UI elements.
Defines the background image of the house with transparecny in all areas outside the floorplan boundaries so that custom cards (later discribed) will be shown properly.
Displays the Lights' status by placing all lighting images over the background depending on the lights' status (ON/OFF/unavailable). Lights' images were created from the previously mentioned two main floorplan images. The light images were named after the actual entity names.
Displays a custom weather card for local weather status. Actions
Displays a custom calendar card with upcoming events.
Defines the lights' active areas where Tap Action will toggle lights. These are transparent square images which are scaled (X,Y) as needed. The borders can be shown to help with the configuration. The location and scale parametes are defined in and taken from the DEFINITIONS section.
Tap: Toggle light state
Double Tap: Opens more-info popup window.
Hold: Can be used for special lights (in my case popup windows of the amilight of the kitchen table light)
Defines the Light Group contol buttons. If any of the lights in the group are unavailable the background color of the button will change to RED
Tap: Toggle all lights in that group.
Double Tap: Opens a more-info popup window of the group.
Hold: Popup window of all lights in the group
Defines the covers' active areas. These are green/red/blue/grey square images (depending on the cover state) which are scaled (X,Y) as needed. The location and scale parametes are defined in and taken from the DEFINITIONS section.
Tap: According to what is defined in the DEFINITIONS section - usually toggle.
Double Tap: Opens a more-info popup window of the group.
Hold: Popup window containing custom Vertical Slider Cover card of the Cover entity.
Defines the Cover Group contol buttons. If any of the covers in the group are unavailable the background color of the button will change to RED. The location parametes are defined in and taken from the DEFINITIONS section.
Tap: Open/Close/Stop all covers in that group depending which of the three buttons was presses
Double Tap: Opens a more-info popup window of the group
Hold: Popup window with all covers in the group to control using the custom Vertical Slider Cover card
Defines the Irrigation valves button location and groups. If the irrigation valve is unavailable the background color of the button will change to RED. The location parametes are defined in and taken from the DEFINITIONS section.
Tap: Toggles the valve (ON/OFF)
Double Tap: Opens a more-info popup window
Hold: Opens the schedulers (2) for specific Irrigation Valve and includes:
- Day of week
- Enable/Disable the scheduler
- Start Time
- Duration
Defines the Irrigation Group control buttons. Show the total cycle time if a cycle is currently being run (cannot figure out how to show remaining time) If any of the irrigation valves in the group are unavailable the background color of the button will change to RED
Tap: Opens a popup window where you can run a 1-Time irrigation cycle
- Choose which valves to include in cycle
- Choose the duration of the cycle
- Start/Stop the cycle
- Show the remaining time of the current cycle
- Shows the last 24 hour history of all irrigation valves in the group
Double Tap: Opens a more-info popup of the group
Hold: Opens Popup window with all irrigation valves in the group to control
Displays all temperature sensors, depending on the Hide setting, that are defined in the relevant DEFINITIONS section - including their location on the floorplans
Defines the Water Boiler button location. If the water boiler is unavailable the background color of the button will change to RED. The location parametes are defined in and taken from the DEFINITIONS section.
In addition gives history information regarding Water Boiler status and temperatures. The number of hours to show in the history graphs can be changed on-the-fly using the slider input.
Tap: Opens a popup window that includes:
- Water Boiler button for direct control
- 1-Time timer duration
- Start time
- Immediate timer start
- Scheduled timer start (according to Start time)
- Time left on timer
Double Tap: Opens a more-info popup window
Hold: Opens the schedulers (2) for the Water Boiler that includes:
- Day of week
- Enable/Disable the scheduler
- Start Time
- Duration
Defines the Vacuum Robots buttons' location. If the Vacuum Robot is unavailable the background color of the button will change to RED. The location parametes are defined in and taken from the DEFINITIONS section.
Tap: Opens a popup window that includes:
- Control of the vacuum - Custom Vacuum Card
- Vacuum Map - Xiaomi Cloud Map Extractor integration
Double Tap: Opens a more-info popup window
Hold: Opens the schedulers (2) for the Vacuum that includes:
- Day of week
- Enable/Disable the scheduler
- Start Time
Defines the HVAC buttons' location. If the HVAC control is unavailable the background color of the button will change to RED. The temperature of the HVAC set point device is shown and also the HVAC set temperature, mode and fan speed if the HVAC is ON. The location parametes are defined in and taken from the DEFINITIONS section.
Tap: Opens a popup window to control the HVAC using Thermostat Card
Double Tap: Opens a more-info popup window
Hold: Opens the schedulers (4) for the HVAC that includes:
- Enable/Disable the scheduler
- Temperature set point
- Fan Speed (Low/Medium/High)
- Start Time - To stop the HVAC just set a scheduler to mode OFF and set the start time as the stop time you want
Displays the Waze Navigation routes, icons and time to destination. The list of entities and look&feel is defined and taken from the DEFINITIONS section.
Creates and populizes the Status Bar.
The entities to show are defined and taken from the DEFINITIONS section. Actions:
Tap: Opens a popup window that shows relevant entities defined in the DEFINITIONS section
Hold: Opens a more-info popup window
Creates and populizes the Settings popup window.
The entities to show are defined and taken from the DEFINITIONS section. The settings page is divided into columns. Each column can have multiple sections. Each section can have multiple entities. Actions:
Display the WEBUI of the unRaid Server (or any webpage for that matter) as a popup window.
Displays water consumption data in graphs
- Tap: Opens popup window with all relevant history information using relevant integration entities.
Buttons for special/quick access funcitons/scenarios The look&feel and list of Actions are defined in and taken from the DEFINITIONS section.
- Tap: Active toggle
- Double Tap: Opens a more-info popup window
- Hold: Opens a more-info popup window
Displays enities only when they meet a certain condition (conditional). For example entities that should only be displayed when they are on. Once the entity is displayed you can also control what the tap_action does. The list of entities, conditions, tap_action and look&feel are defined and taken from the DEFINITIONS section.
Buttons for refreshing/reloading UI
- Tap: UI refresh
- Double Tap: Browser window refresh/reload
browser_mod * City-Mind Water Meter * lovelace_gen * Xiaomi Cloud Map Extractor
Atomic Calendar Revive * Config Template Card * Lovelace Slider Entity Row * Lovelace Time Picker Card * Lovelace Vertical Slider Cover Card * Mini Media Player * Simple Thermostat * Vacuum Card * Weather Card