C++ have smart pointers and they should be used almost always, but C doesn't have that, so it's easy to forget about dynamic memory allocations, so this library simply finds memory leaks that were allocated with malloc
and tell you information about that allocation.
If you lazy to to download and install valgrind
for some reason, this may be a nice code alternative to finding leaks.
This library is wrapping the malloc
in a macro to keep track of the pointers that were allocated and freed.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "memleaks.h"
int main()
INIT_MEMLEAKS; /* We must call it to initialize the library. */
int* p = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
int* arr = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * 5);
After compiling it with clang
we get:
Great job! no leaks!
Now, let's comment our free
calls, we then get:
Found 2 leaks:
#1 Leaking address: 0x210b2c0, In file: 'test.c', In function: 'int main()', In line: 8
#2 Leaking address: 0x210b2e0, In file: 'test.c', In function: 'int main()', In line: 9
- This library probably not thread safety, I did not test it under multithreaded application.
- It does not cover operators new/delete of C++.
- It was designed to work with Ansi C aswell.