Advanced models for non-standard modern JSON APIs.
Source Code:
Advanced models for non-standard modern JSON APIs. Supports extensive conversion and validation with several tools to help speed up development. Works with both synchronous and asynchronous models seamlessly. Fully tested and type-hinted.
- Seamless data parsing through annotations.
- Supports extensive conversion and validation.
- Automatic code generation from json to speed up development.
- Inspired by pydantic to ensure familiarity.
- Localization support.
- Fully tested and type-hinted.
- No requirements.
You can see more examples in the docs.
import typing
import datetime
import apimodel
class User(apimodel.APIModel):
id: int
username: str
profile: str
# UNIX or ISO parsing
created_at: datetime.datetime
def _complete_profile_url(self, profile: str) -> str:
"""Take the raw profile ID and turn it into a full url"""
return f"{profile}.png"
# inheritance
class Attendee(User):
status: typing.Literal["attending", "interested", "absent"] | None = None
def _parse_status(self, values: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> dict[str, typing.Any]:
"""Take the entire JSON and update it accordingly"""
# made for non-standard APIs
if "attending" in values:
values["status"] = "attending" if values["attending"] else "absent"
elif "interested" in values:
values["status"] = "interested" if values["interested"] else "absent"
# excess values get thrown away
return values
class Event(apimodel.APIModel):
# allow easily renaming fields
time: datetime.datetime = apimodel.Field(alias="happening_at")
# clean nested models
attendees: list[User]