Wallet Info CLI is a command-line tool designed to monitor token balances for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-compatible blockchains. It enables users to easily query and display token balances for wallets across multiple chains, including native tokens and custom tokens by their contract addresses.
- Multi-Chain Support: Query balances for multiple blockchains using RPC endpoints.
- Customizable Configuration: Define blockchains, RPC URLs, tokens, and wallet addresses via a YAML config file or CLI flags.
- Native and Token Balances: Fetch both the native chain token (e.g., ETH, BNB) and custom tokens by address.
- Filtering: Filter by specific chains to streamline queries.
- Rich Output: Beautifully styled tabular output for easy reading.
- Flexible Configuration Handling
wallet-info --help
Usage of wallet-info:
-config string
Path to configuration file (default: $HOME/wallet-info-config.yaml)
-filter string
Filter by blockchain name
-wallet string
Wallet address (takes priority over value in config file if provided)
# Run with a specific wallet and config file
wallet-info -wallet 0xYourWalletAddress -config ./custom-config.yaml
# Run using a default wallet from the config file
# Filter by blockchain
wallet-info -filter Ethereum
A YAML configuration file defines blockchains, RPC endpoints, native tokens, and custom tokens. Example:
wallet: "0xYourDefaultWalletAddress"
- name: "Ethereum"
rpc: "https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/YOUR_INFURA_KEY"
mainTokenLabel: "ETH"
decimals: 18
- address: "0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7"
label: "USDT"
decimals: 6
The wallet used belongs to the crypto.com exchange
This project is licensed under the MIT License.