Nimble Survey is a simple Android application which uses Nimble API that allow user to login and see the surveys list.
- Splash Screen
- Login screen
- Forgot password screen
- Surveys list screen (with pagination and swipe to refresh)
- Survey detail
Using Clean Architecture, the application provides a clean way to maintain and easy to scale up as well as writing unit test. It contains 3 layers:
- Data
- Domain
- Presentation
The overview architect look like this:
Below is the list of third-party libraries that I use in the project:
- RxJava
- RxKotlin
- RxAndroid
- Retrofit
- OkHttp
- Dagger Hilt
- AndroidX
- Shimmer layout
- Glide
- Timber
- Junit
- Mockito
- Robolectric
- MockWebServer
- Ktlint
- Contact Nimble team to get your own
key. - After cloning the repo, open Android Studio and update your client id and client secret key in
file. - Run build
Thank you and have a nice day!