specific MQTT broker (using tedge-mqtt-broker) container which includes the recommended mosquitto version as well as pre-defined configuration so that mosquitto works with out of the box.
All of the tasks in the projects use just. Please install just before using any of the instructions.
Switch to the main branch (on the main repo)
Run the release task
just release
The task will create a git tag and push it to the configured remote origin.
You can run/start a local container with the MQTT broker by using just task runner.
just run-local 1884
Where 1884
is the port where the MQTT broker will be exposed to on your local host.
After you have started the broker, then check that everything is working properly by running the following steps in a different console:
Publish a retained message on any topic
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1884 -t 'test/me' -m 'hello' -r
Subscribe to all topics to check that the above retained message is delivered
mosquitto_sub -h localhost -p 1884 -t '#'
You should see the above message printed to the console.