This repository is provided "AS-IS" with no warranty or support given. This is not an official or supported product/use case.
This repo contains instructions on how to plot a 3D surface and display it in a mashup. It contains:
- an example dataset (plotly3Datatable) and a sample mashup (plotlyTest).
- the build artifacts for ThingworxPlotlyChartingSDK and ThingworxPlotlyExamplePlots
This guide leverages the work of jmccuen who implemented the plotly javascript library using the Thingworx Java SDK. The PlotlyExamplePlots extension also contains implementations for other graphs:
- Timeseries Plot
- Label Plot
- Pie Plot
- and Surface Plot which we are demonstrating here.
- Import the PlotlyChartLibrary-dev-1.0.192.zip first, into Thingworx, then import PlotlyPlots.zip.
- Import the example datashape, datatable entity, datatable data, and then the mashup plotlyTest.
You can now view the 3D surface plot inside the example mashup or create your own plot, using the Surface Plot widget, that should now appear in the widget picker.
As you will see from the sample data table included, or the sample data from Plotly, the format required for this type of plot to work is a grid pattern (x,y) and the elevation (z).
The first column will be y, from 0 to 24 for example. The first row will be x, starting with 0 in column 2, i.e. for each intersection of [x,y] you will have height z.
You can also check out the sample Js available from Plotly.
The Topographical 3D Surface Plot is the type implemented in this version. More 3D charts can be implemented by modifying the Surface Plot code ThingworxPlotlyExamplePlots/ui/surfaceplot/ .
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