Current walkthrough scripts: New Laptop Setup - Non-Developer and New Laptop Setup - Developer
Sets you up with a server environment on a Mac for Drupal development. If you need examples of how to install common packages with Homebrew, checkout
cd ~
xcode-select --install
git clone
cd ts_environment
Once installed you can upgrade your packages to the current stable versions like so:
brew update
brew upgrade
After installing development tools, you'll need to set the password for MariaDB:
sudo mariadb-secure-installation
Set login to root and password to root and answer yes to all the questions in the wizard.
You can switch php version using the sphp
command. Examples:
PHP - 7.1:
sphp 7.1
PHP to the latest version (the one supported by homebrew):
sphp X.X # Where X.X is the current version of php.
- Be careful when running
brew upgrade
- sometimes formulas can change, and your environment may change or break in subtle ways. - Be prepared to deal with
brew upgrade
fallout, and update only when necessary, or at a low-risk time. - Be very sure you know what Homebrew is telling you when it makes "helpful" suggestions.
This script no longer installs php-code-sniffer. Install and configure it using the following:
- install via homebrew:
brew install php-code-sniffer
- Verify that you see coding standards:
phpcs -i
The installed coding standards are MySource, PEAR, PSR1, PSR12, PSR2, Squiz, and Zend
- Create a local
folder to add symlinks to the Drupal and WP coding standards:
mkdir php-code-sniffer;mkdir php-code-sniffer/Standards;cd php-code-sniffer/Standards
- Create symlinks to your Composer-installed standards:
ln -s ~/.composer/global/drupal/coder/vendor/drupal/coder/coder_sniffer/Drupal Drupal
ln -s ~/.composer/global/wp-coding-standards/wpcs/vendor/wp-coding-standards/wpcs/WordPress-Core WordPress-Core
- Verify that you see coding the updated standards:
phpcs -i
The installed coding standards are MySource, PEAR, PSR1, PSR12, PSR2, Squiz, Zend, Drupal and WordPress-Core
- Configure PHPstorm to use the correct version of Codesniffer:
- open PHPstorm and go to the Preferences screen
- go to "Languages & Frameworks" -> "PHP" -> "Code Sniffer"
- click the "..." next to the configuration and validate
- Configure PHPstorm to use Codesniffer's Drupal Standards:
- in PHPstorm preferences, go to "Editor" -> "Inspections"
- in the settings tree on the right, find "PHP" -> "PHP Code Sniffer validation" and select it
- All the way on the right, find the "Code Sniffing Standards" drop-down and select "Drupal"