- Redux Stuff
- reducer : function that used to update store
- two arguments : state , action
- state : old state / state before update
- action : what happened / what update
- return updated or old state
- store.getState() function
- send actions to the store
- actions (objects) - MUST HAVE TYPE PROPERTY - what kind of action
- DON'T MUTATE THE STATE - redux built on IMMUTABILITY (copy)
- React-redux - Provider - wraps app
- connect : used in components
- Note : Provider will look for the prop named store
- In CartItems.js,
onClick = { () => {
if (amount === 1){
return remove();
else {
return decrease();
- reducer.js , just copy and paste code from "INCREASE" function
Check Redux Devtools Extension
Add this comment in App.js in order to use redux extension from Chrome
const store = createStore(
reducer, /* preloadedState, */
- Note: When you deploy it on netlify , don't forget to update "build" in package.json
"build": "CI= react-scripts build",
In public folder, create _redirects file and add /* /index.html 200
Deployed on Netlify: