About - How it works? - Installation - Usage - License
Prompt in ChatGPT web using Nim!
See this lib working at cligpt
When you create a new instance of DirtyGPT
, an http web server starts
asynchronously, it accept multiple websocket connections and when you query the
prompt in lib, the server will add your prompt to the queue, and the connected
userscripts will request a prompt. When the server sends the prompt to a client
(userscript), it saves the client ID in prompt and if for some reason the client
disconnects, the items bound to that client ID will be cleaned and wait to be
asked, in higher priority than others.
The client userscript controls the ChatGPT webpage, when it receives the prompt, it fills up the input and clicks in the button to send. When AI is answering, the button changes, when it returns to their original form, the userscript reads the output HTML, converts it to Markdown and sends back to server (lib). Then it's available to another prompt, the loop will request the next one.
Install the lib with Nimble:
nimble install dirtygpt
And at installation end you'll see something like this:
Please, don't forget to install the client userscript in your browser: ~/.nimble/pkgs2/dirtygpt-version-hash/userscript.user.js
Install the provided Javascript userscript path in a userscript manager in your browser, like Greasemonkey (Violentmonkey doesn't works, the browser blocks you to open localhost WS)
After installed the library and userscript, make sure that you have an open tab with ChatGPT logged in.
The usage is simple:
import std/asyncdispatch
import pkg/dirtygpt
let gpt = newDirtyGpt()
echo waitFor gpt.prompt "Hello, are you Google Bard?"
stop gpt
No, I'm not Google Bard. I'm ChatGPT, an AI language model created by OpenAI. While both Google Bard and I are AI language models designed to generate text-based responses, we come from different organizations and have different underlying technologies. How can I assist you today?
- Add pinging because
is just updated when exceeds timeout
This piece of software is libre, licensed over the MIT license. Feel free to use!