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Todd Lucas edited this page Feb 19, 2025 · 32 revisions

Theme variables control the overall look and feel of the card. You can easily change text colors, font sizes, media control button sizes, etc using these variables.

Themes can be applied to the card in the following ways:

Card Configuration Options

Theming can be applied using card configuration options. Any theme changes applied using this method are for the specific card instance where they are applied - they will not affect other card instances. You can also use Theme File Variables to apply themes to ALL card instances if you wish.

There is no card configuration editor UI to set theme options due to the large number of options; they must be manually defined in the card configuration editor via the Show Code Editor button.

Use the Theme Variables Index below to find the section that you want to style. The index documents both the theme file variable name and the card configuration option name.

For example if you wanted to change the text color to red in the each of the media browser sections, add the following card configuration option value via the card configuration editor (using Show Code Editor):

mediaBrowserItemsColor: red

or change it to an html color code value:

mediaBrowserItemsColor: "#ff5733"

or change it to an RGB color code value:

mediaBrowserItemsColor: rgb(255, 87, 51)

How it Looks

Theme File Variables

Theming can be applied using Home Assistant theme file variables. Any theme changes applied using this method apply to ALL card instances. You can also use Card Configuration Options to apply themes to individual card instances if you wish.

Use the Theme Variables Index below to find the section that you want to style. The index documents both the theme file variable name and the card configuration option name.

Use the Theme Files Index below to find popular Home Assistant theme files that can be updated.

For example if you wanted to change the text color to red in the each of the media browser sections for both light and dark mode, add the following options to your selected theme file:

      # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      # SpotifyPlus Card theme customizations (light).
      # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      # Media Browser Sections:
      spc-media-browser-items-color: red
      # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      # SpotifyPlus Card theme customizations (dark).
      # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      # Media Browser Sections:
      spc-media-browser-items-color: red

Theme Variables Index

Use the following index to locate the specific card section you would like to theme:

Theme Variables - Card (in general)

Config Option Theme File Variable Description
cardWaitProgressSliderColor spc-card-wait-progress-slider-color Color of the card area wait progress indicator (default #2196F3).

Theme Variables - Card Footer Area

Config Option Theme File Variable Description
n/a spc-card-footer-background-color Card footer area background color; default value is vibrant color, which is set based upon cover art colors.
n/a spc-card-footer-background-image Card footer area background image; default value is a gradient, which provides good contrast.
n/a spc-card-footer-color Card footer icon foreground color; default value is inherit, which is card foreground color value.

Theme Variables - Media Browser Sections

Config Option Theme File Variable Description
mediaBrowserSectionTitleFontSize spc-media-browser-section-title-font-size Media browser section title text font-size (default 1.0rem).
mediaBrowserSectionSubTitleFontSize spc-media-browser-section-subtitle-font-size Media browser section sub-title text font-size (default 0.85rem).
mediaBrowserItemsSvgIconColor spc-media-browser-items-svgicon-color Media browser svg icon items color (default #ffffff).
mediaBrowserItemsColor spc-media-browser-items-color Media browser items title and sub-title text colors (default #ffffff).
mediaBrowserItemsListColor spc-media-browser-items-list-color Media browser items title and sub-title text colors when list is configured for non-icon format (default #2196F3).
mediaBrowserItemsTitleFontSize spc-media-browser-items-title-font-size Media browser items title text font-size (default 0.8rem).
mediaBrowserItemsSubTitleFontSize spc-media-browser-items-subtitle-font-size Media browser items sub-title text font-size (default 0.8rem).

Theme Variables - Player Section

Config Option Theme File Variable Description
playerBackgroundImageSize spc-player-background-size Size of the player background image; default value is 100% 100%. Other possible values: contain, cover.
playerControlsColor spc-player-controls-color Color of the player media control labels (default #ffffff).
playerControlsIconColor spc-player-controls-icon-color Color of the player media control icons (default #ffffff).
playerControlsIconToggleColor spc-player-controls-icon-toggle-color Color of the player media control icons when they are toggled (default #2196F3).
playerHeaderTitle1Color spc-player-header-title1-color Player header title 1 text color (default #ffffff).
playerHeaderTitle1FontSize spc-player-header-title1-font-size Player header title 1 text font-size (default 1.0rem).
playerHeaderTitle2Color spc-player-header-title2-color Player header title 2 text color (default #ffffff).
playerHeaderTitle2FontSize spc-player-header-title2-font-size Player header title 2 text font-size (default 1.15rem).
playerHeaderTitle3Color spc-player-header-title3-color Player header title 3 text color (default #ffffff).
playerHeaderTitle3FontSize spc-player-header-title3-font-size Player header title 3 text font-size (default 1.0rem).
playerProgressLabelColor spc-player-progress-label-color Color of the player progress text labels (default #ffffff).
playerProgressSliderColor spc-player-progress-slider-color Color of the player progress slider bar (default #2196F3).
playerVolumeLabelColor spc-player-volume-label-color Color of the player volume text labels (default #ffffff).
playerVolumeSliderColor spc-player-volume-slider-color Color of the player volume slider bar (default #2196F3).

Theme Files Index

The following are provided for popular user-defined themes. Just add the contents to the appropriate theme file in the Home Assistant confguration themes folder.

Theme File - macOS

# Theme based on the macOS light and dark mode UI
# Creator: Juan - @juanmtech
# Website:
# YouTube Channel:

      # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      # SpotifyPlus Card theme customizations (light).
      # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      # Card Footer:
      # comment out the following to use vibrant auto-generated background color:
      #spc-card-footer-background-color: var(--card-background-color)
      #spc-card-footer-background-image: var(--card-background-color)
      #spc-card-footer-color: white
      # Media Browser Items:
      spc-media-browser-section-title-font-size: 1.0rem
      spc-media-browser-section-subtitle-font-size: 0.85rem
      spc-media-browser-items-svgicon-color: rgb(33, 150, 243)
      spc-media-browser-items-color: var(--primary-text-color)
      spc-media-browser-items-title-font-size: 1.0rem
      spc-media-browser-items-subtitle-font-size: 0.8rem
      # Player Section:
      spc-player-header-title1-color: white
      spc-player-header-title1-font-size: 1.0rem
      spc-player-header-title2-color: white
      spc-player-header-title2-font-size: 1.2rem
      spc-player-header-title3-color: white
      spc-player-header-title3-font-size: 1.0rem
      spc-player-controls-color: white
      spc-player-controls-icon-color: white
      spc-player-controls-icon-toggle-color: rgb(33, 150, 243)
      # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      # SpotifyPlus Card theme customizations (dark).
      # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      # Card Footer:
      # comment out the following to use vibrant auto-generated background color:
      #spc-card-footer-background-color: var(--card-background-color)
      #spc-card-footer-background-image: var(--card-background-color)
      #spc-card-footer-color: var(--primary-text-color)
      # Media Browser Items:
      spc-media-browser-section-title-font-size: 1.0rem
      spc-media-browser-section-subtitle-font-size: 0.85rem
      spc-media-browser-items-svgicon-color: rgb(33, 150, 243)
      spc-media-browser-items-color: var(--primary-text-color)
      spc-media-browser-items-title-font-size: 1.0rem
      spc-media-browser-items-subtitle-font-size: 0.8rem
      # Player Section:
      spc-player-header-title1-color: white
      spc-player-header-title1-font-size: 1.0rem
      spc-player-header-title2-color: white
      spc-player-header-title2-font-size: 1.2rem
      spc-player-header-title3-color: white
      spc-player-header-title3-font-size: 1.0rem
      spc-player-controls-color: white
      spc-player-controls-icon-color: white
      spc-player-controls-icon-toggle-color: rgb(33, 150, 243)