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PyInstaller plugin for Poetry

Easily create executable binaries from your pyproject.toml using PyInstaller.


  • Multiple distribution formats
    • Single file created in dist folder (executable archive)
    • Folder created in dist folder (containing executable and libraries)
    • Bundled executable in platform specific wheels as scripts
      • Both single file & folder distribution type can be bundled in wheels


To install poetry-pyinstaller-plugin run the following command:

poetry self add poetry-pyinstaller-plugin
# or
pipx inject poetry poetry-pyinstaller-plugin

If you are having troubles to install the plugin please refer to Poetry documentation:


Are listed in this sections all options available to configure poetry-pyinstaller-plugin in your pyproject.toml

  • [tool.poetry-pyinstaller-plugin]
    • version (string)
      • Version of PyInstaller to use during build
      • Does not support version constraint
    • exclude-include (boolean)
      • Exclude poetry include. Default: False
    • pre-build (string)
      • Pre-build hook.
    • post-build (string)
      • Post-build hook.
    • use-poetry-install (boolean)
      • The default mode False installs packages (including "pyinstaller", "certifi" & "cffi") to the actual virtual environment by using internally pip. It will not use poetry.lock file, just the dependencies from the pyproject.toml configuration file.
      • When set to True the virtual environment should be completely installed by poetry including "pyinstaller" and optional "certifi" & "cffi" (for custom certificates).
        This is done by adding them as dependencies to the pyproject.toml configuration file and run poetry install before starting poetry build command. Recommendation is the usage of an separate dependency group for pyinstaller.
    • scripts (dictionary)
      • Where key is the program name and value a path to script or a PyInstallerTarget spec
      • Example: prog-name = "my_package/"
    • certifi (dictionary)
      • append (list): List of certificates to include in certifi.where()
    • collect (dictionary)
      • submodules (list): Collect all submodules for specified package(s) or module(s)
      • data (list): Collect all data for specified package(s) or module(s)
      • binaries (list): Collect all binaries for specified package(s) or module(s)
      • all (list): Collect all submodules, data files, and binaries for specified package(s) or module(s)
    • copy-metadata (list) : list of packages for which metadata must be copied
    • recursive-copy-metadata (list) : list of packages for which metadata must be copied (including dependencies)
    • include (dictionary) :
      • Data file(s) to include. {source: destination}
    • package (dictionary) :
      • File(s) to include with executable. {source: destination}

PyinstallerTarget spec:

  • source (string): Path to your program entrypoint
  • type (string, default: onedir): Type of distribution format. Must be one of onefile, onedir
  • bundle (boolean, default: false): Include executable binary onto wheel
  • noupx (boolean, default: false) : Disable UPX archiving
  • strip (boolean, default false) : Apply a symbol-table strip to the executable and shared libs (not recommended for Windows)
  • console (boolean, default false) : Open a console window for standard i/o (default). On Windows this option has no effect if the first script is a ‘.pyw’ file.
  • windowed (boolean, default false) : Windows and Mac OS X: do not provide a console window for standard i/o. On Mac OS this also triggers building a Mac OS .app bundle. On Windows this option is automatically set if the first script is a ‘.pyw’ file. This option is ignored on *NIX systems.
  • icon (Path, default PyInstaller’s icon) : FILE.ico: apply the icon to a Windows executable. FILE.exe,ID: extract the icon with ID from an exe. FILE.icns: apply the icon to the .app bundle on Mac OS. Use “NONE” to not apply any icon, thereby making the OS to show some default
  • uac_admin (boolean, default false) : Using this option creates a Manifest that will request elevation upon application start.
  • uac_uiaccess (boolean, default false) : Using this option allows an elevated application to work with Remote Desktop.
  • argv_emulation (boolean, default false) : Enable argv emulation for macOS app bundles. If enabled, the initial open document/URL event is processed by the bootloader and the passed file paths or URLs are appended to sys.argv.
  • arch (string, default null) : Target architecture (macOS only; valid values: x86_64, arm64, universal2).
  • hiddenimport (string | list), default null) : Hidden imports needed by the program (eg PIL._tkinter_finder for customtkinter).
  • runtime_hooks (List[str], default null): One or more runtime hook paths to bundle with the executable. These hooks are executed before any other code or module to set up special features of the runtime environment.
  • add_version (bool, default False): Add tool.poetry.version to built executable (suffix)
  • when (str, default None): Restrict build depending on package version. Possible values: release, prerelease. Target allways built when unset (default: None)


# Pyinstaller version (Optional, latest if not set)
# Does not support version constraint (eg: ^6.4)
version = "6.7.0"

# Disable UPX compression
disable-upx = true

# Include metadata from selected packages (including dependencies)
recursive-copy-metadata = [

# Include metadata from selected packages
copy-metadata = [

hello-world = "my_package/"
# Equivalent to
hello-world = { source = "my_package/", type = "onedir", bundle = false }

# Single file bundled in wheel
single-file-bundled = { source = "my_package/", type = "onefile", bundle = true}

# Single file with package version in final executable name
hello-world = { source = "my_package/", type = "onedir", add_version = true } # -> hello-world-X.X.X

# Restrict build on package version
hello-world = { source = "my_package/", type = "onedir", when = "release" } # -> when tool.poetry.version == x.x.x
hello-world-internal = { source = "my_package/", type = "onedir", when = "prerelease" } # -> when tool.poetry.version == x.x.x[a|b|rc]

# Folder bundled in wheel
folder-bundled = { source = "my_package/", type = "onedir", bundle = true}

# Include a runtime hook
hook-example = { runtime_hooks = ['hooks/'], source = ... }

# Section dedicated to certifi, required if certificates must be included in certifi store
append = ['certs/my_cert.pem']

# Collect all submodules, data files & binaries for 'package_A' and 'package_B'
all = ['package_A', 'package_B']


Once configured poetry-pyinstaller-plugin is attached to the poetry build command.

$ poetry build
Building binaries with PyInstaller Python 3.10.12 (main, Nov 20 2023, 15:14:05) [GCC 11.4.0]
  - Building hello-world DIRECTORY
  - Built hello-world -> 'dist/pyinstaller/hello-world'
  - Building single-file-bundled SINGLE_FILE BUNDLED
  - Built single-file-bundled -> 'dist/pyinstaller/single-file-bundled'
  - Building folder-bundled DIRECTORY BUNDLED
  - Built folder-bundled -> 'dist/pyinstaller/folder-bundled'
Building my_package (0.0.0)
  - Building sdist
  - Built my_package-0.0.0.tar.gz
  - Building wheel
  - Built my_package-0.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
  - Adding single-file-bundled to data scripts my_package-0.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
  - Adding folder-bundled to data scripts my_package-0.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
Replacing platform in wheels (manylinux_2_35_x86_64)
  - my_package-0.0.0-py3-none-manylinux_2_35_x86_64.whl

Build verbosity settings

Logging verbosity during PyInstaller build phase is configured through poetry build command using --verbose/-v option.

Available levels:

  • -v : Set --log-level=WARN
  • -vv : Set --log-level=INFO
  • -vvv : Set --log-level=DEBUG & --debug=all


$ poetry build --format pyinstaller -v
Using virtualenv: /home/.../.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/one-file-rP3OcWW--py3.10
  - Installing requests (>=2.32.3,<3.0.0)
Preparing PyInstaller 6.4.0 environment /home/.../.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/one-file-rP3OcWW--py3.10
Building binaries with PyInstaller Python 3.10 [manylinux_2_35_x86_64]
  - Building one-file SINGLE_FILE
      59 INFO: PyInstaller: 6.4.0, contrib hooks: 2024.7
      59 INFO: Python: 3.10.12
      60 INFO: Platform: Linux-6.5.0-41-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35
      60 INFO: wrote dist/pyinstaller/manylinux_2_35_x86_64/.specs/one-file.spec
      4009 INFO: Appending PKG archive to custom ELF section in EXE
      4020 INFO: Building EXE from EXE-00.toc completed successfully.
  - Built one-file -> 'dist/pyinstaller/manylinux_2_35_x86_64/one-file'

Expected directory structure:

├── build ...................... PyInstaller intermediate build directory
│    ├── folder-bundled
│    ├── hello-world
│    └── single-file-bundled 
├── dist ....................... Result of `poetry build` command
│    ├── pyinstaller ............. PyInstaller output
│    │    ├── .specs/ ............ Specs files
│    │    ├── hello-world/
│    │    ├── folder-bundled/ 
│    │    └── single-file-bundled
│    ├── my_package-0.0.0-py3-none-manylinux_2_35_x86_64.whl ... Wheel with bundled binaries
│    └── my_package-0.0.0.tar.gz ............................... Source archive, binaries are never included
├── pyproject.toml
└── my_package

Dependencies notice

Major benefit of this plugin is to create dependency free wheels with executable binaries (including dependencies).

It is then recommended to include your dependencies as optional in your pyproject.toml


name = "my-package"

python = "^3.8"
rich = {version = "^13.7.0", optional = true}

with-deps = ["rich"]

Resulting package will not require any dependency except if installed with extra with-deps.

# Installation without dependencies (included in executable binaries)
$ pip install my-package

# Installation with dependencies (If package imported as modules in another project)
$ pip install my-package[with-deps] 

Bundled binaries must be built with all dependencies installed in build environment.

Packaging additional files

This plugin by default supports tool.poetry.include, but it can be disabled for more control. You can also add files next to the executable by using the package setting


name = "my_project"
include = [
    { path = "", format = ["sdist"] },

# Disable [tool.poetry.include] and use plugin settings instead
exclude-include = true

hello-world = "my_package/"

# 1-1 next to executable
"" = "."

# renaming next to executable
"user/" = ""

# directory next to executable
"docs" = "."

# loose files in bundle
"icons/*" = "."

# entire directory in bundle
"images/*" = "element_images"

Expected directory structure:

├── build ...................... PyInstaller intermediate build directory
├── dist ....................... Result of `poetry build` command
│    ├── pyinstaller ............. PyInstaller output
│    │    ├── .specs/ ............ Specs files
│    │    └── hello-world/
│    │          ├── docs/ ............ Packaged Docs
│    │          │     ├──
│    │          │     └──
│    │          ├── my_project_internal/ ............ Onedir bundle
│    │          │     ├── main_icon.svg ............... Included icon
│    │          │     ├── extra_icon.svg .............. Included icon
│    │          │     └── element_images/ ............. Included images
│    │          │           ├── footer_icon.svg
│    │          │           └── header_icon.svg
│    │          ├── my_project.exe ............ Bundled program
│    │          ├── ................. Packaged Readme
│    │          └── ........... Packaged User Readme
│    ├── my_package-0.0.0-py3-none-manylinux_2_35_x86_64.whl ... Wheel with bundled binaries
│    └── my_package-0.0.0.tar.gz ............................... Source archive, includes
├── docs/
│    ├──
│    └──
├── user/
│    └──
├── icons/
│    ├── main_icon.svg
│    └── extra_icon.svg
├── images/
│    ├──
│    └── header_icon.svg
├── pyproject.toml
└── my_package


The pre-build and post-build settings allow you to call a python function before and after the pyinstaller build. Each hook is passed a hook interface class that allows access to Poetry, io and the virtual environment.

This lets you have further control in niche situations.


name = "my_project"

# ran after requirements install and before builds
pre-build = "hooks.pyinstaller:post_build"

# ran after all builds are done
post-build = "hooks.pyinstaller:post_build"

hello-world = "my_package/"

# package output from mkdocs
"site" = "docs"


import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

def pre_build(interface) -> None:
    Pyinstaller pre build hook. Build local documentation.
    interface.write_line("  - <b>Building local docs</b>")

    test_group = interface.poetry.package._dependency_groups["docs"]  # noqa: SLF001
    for req in test_group.dependencies:
        pip_r = req.base_pep_508_name_resolved.replace(" (", "").replace(
            ")", ""
        interface.write_line(f"    - Installing <c1>{req}</c1>")
        )"poetry", "run", "mkdocs", "build", "--no-directory-urls")
    interface.write_line("    - <fg=green>Docs built</>")

def post_build(interface) -> None:
    Pyinstaller post build hook. Version built directory, remove generated folders.
    dist_path = Path("dist", "pyinstaller", interface.platform)
    version = interface.pyproject_data["tool"]["poetry"]["version"]

    interface.write_line("  - <b>Visioning built</b>")
    for script in interface.pyproject_data["tool"]["poetry-pyinstaller-plugin"]["scripts"]:
        source = Path(dist_path, script)
        destination = Path(dist_path, f"{script}_{version}")

        if destination.exists():
            shutil.rmtree(destination)  # remove existing

        shutil.move(f"{source}", f"{destination}")
            f"    - Updated "
            f"<success>{script}</success> -> "

    interface.write_line("  - <b>Cleaning</b>")
    interface.write_line("    - Removed build directory")
    interface.write_line("    - Removed site directory")
Hook Interface

Here are the attributes and functions for the hook interface class, see example hook file for basic usage.

Note: If using linter(s), placing this class in a TYPE_CHECKING block will remove most errors.

from typing import Dict, List, Any

class PyIntallerHookInterface:
    Pyinstaller hook interface

        _io (IO): IO instance
        _venv (VirtualEnv): poetry.utils.env VirtualEnv instance
        poetry (Poetry): poetry.poetry Poetry instance
        pyproject_data (dict): pyproject.TOML contents
        platform (str): platform string

    poetry: Any
    pyproject_data: Dict
    platform: str

    def run(self, command: str, *args: str) -> None:
        """Run command in virtual environment"""

    def run_pip(self, *args: str) -> None:
        """Install requirements in virtual environment"""

    def write_line(self, output: str) -> None:
        """Output message with Poetry IO"""