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feat: improve code for orders in algebras (#1337)
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- Restructure the files for PIP
- Make basis matrix not have zero rows
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thofma authored Jan 7, 2024
1 parent 6f0a045 commit e789599
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Showing 29 changed files with 2,545 additions and 2,963 deletions.
6 changes: 1 addition & 5 deletions src/AlgAss/AbsAlgAss.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1248,11 +1248,7 @@ function _radical_prime_field(A::AbsAlgAss{T}) where { T } #<: Union{ fpFieldEle
MF = representation_matrix(a)
for m = 1:nrows(MF)
for n = 1:ncols(MF)
if T <: FqFieldElem
MZ[m, n] = lift(ZZ, MF[m, n])
MZ[m, n] = lift(MF[m, n])
MZ[m, n] = lift(ZZ, MF[m, n])
t = tr(MZ^Int(pl))
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/AlgAss/AlgMatElem.jl
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Expand Up @@ -227,17 +227,17 @@ function (A::AlgMat)()
return A(zero_matrix(coefficient_ring(A), n, n), check = false)

function (A::AlgMat{T, S})(M::S; check::Bool = true) where {T, S}
function (A::AlgMat{T, S})(M::S; check::Bool = true, deepcopy::Bool = true) where {T, S}
@assert base_ring(M) === coefficient_ring(A)
if check
b, c = _check_matrix_in_algebra(M, A)
@req b "Matrix not an element of the matrix algebra"
z = AlgMatElem{T, typeof(A), S}(A, deepcopy(M))
z = AlgMatElem{T, typeof(A), S}(A, deepcopy ? Base.deepcopy(M) : M)
z.coeffs = c
z.has_coeffs = true
return z
return AlgMatElem{T, typeof(A), S}(A, deepcopy(M))
return AlgMatElem{T, typeof(A), S}(A, deepcopy ? Base.deepcopy(M) : M)

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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/AlgAss/Elem.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1040,7 +1040,6 @@ function normred_over_center(a::AbsAlgAssElem, ZtoA::AbsAlgAssMor)
_, ZtoB = center(B)
n1 = _normred_over_center_simple(BtoA\a, ZtoB)
t, n2 = haspreimage(ZtoA, BtoA(ZtoB(n1)))
@assert t
n += n2
return n
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/AlgAssAbsOrd/Conjugacy/Conjugacy.jl
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Expand Up @@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ function _isGLZ_conjugate_integral(A::QQMatrix, B::QQMatrix)
OI = ideal_from_lattice_gens(AA, idealgens)
@hassert :Conjugacy 1 OO == right_order(OI)
@vprintln :Conjugacy 1 "Testing if ideal is principal..."
fl, y = _isprincipal(OI, OO, :right)::Tuple{Bool,
fl, y = _is_principal_with_data_bhj(OI, OO, side = :right)::Tuple{Bool,

if !fl
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/AlgAssAbsOrd/Conjugacy/Husert.jl
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Expand Up @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ function _issimilar_husert_generic(A, B)

#@assert right_order(ide) == ideO

fl, y = _isprincipal(ide, ideO, :right)
fl, y = _is_principal_with_data_bhj(ide, ideO, side = :right)

if fl
dec = decompose(A)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/AlgAssAbsOrd/ICM.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ function is_isomorphic_with_map(I::T, J::T) where { T <: Union{ NfAbsOrdIdl, NfO
JS = extend(J, S)
IJ = colon(IS, JS)
IJ.order = S
t, a = is_principal(numerator(IJ, copy = false))
t, a = is_principal_with_data(numerator(IJ, copy = false))
if !t
return false, zero(A)
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124 changes: 93 additions & 31 deletions src/AlgAssAbsOrd/Ideal.jl
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Expand Up @@ -80,7 +80,8 @@ function ideal(A::AbsAlgAss{QQFieldElem}, M::FakeFmpqMat; M_in_hnf::Bool=false)
M = hnf(M, :lowerleft)
return AlgAssAbsOrdIdl{typeof(A), elem_type(A)}(A, M)
k = something(findfirst(i -> !is_zero_row(M, i), 1:nrows(M)), nrows(M) + 1)
return AlgAssAbsOrdIdl{typeof(A), elem_type(A)}(A, sub(M, k:nrows(M), 1:ncols(M)))

@doc raw"""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,10 +208,11 @@ function ideal_from_lattice_gens(A::AbsAlgAss{QQFieldElem}, v::Vector{ <: AbsAlg
elem_to_mat_row!(M, i, v[i])
M = hnf(FakeFmpqMat(M), :lowerleft)
if length(v) >= dim(A)
M = sub(M, (nrows(M) - dim(A) + 1):nrows(M), 1:dim(A))

i = something(findfirst(k -> !is_zero_row(M, k), 1:nrows(M)), nrows(M) + 1)
#if length(v) >= dim(A)
# M = sub(M, (nrows(M) - dim(A) + 1):nrows(M), 1:dim(A))
M = sub(M, i:nrows(M), 1:ncols(M))
return ideal(A, M; M_in_hnf=true)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,7 +255,7 @@ end

function iszero(a::AlgAssAbsOrdIdl)
if a.iszero == 0
if is_zero_row(basis_matrix(a, copy = false).num, dim(algebra(a)))
if is_zero(basis_matrix(a, copy = false))
a.iszero = 1
a.iszero = 2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -325,8 +327,8 @@ function assure_has_basis(a::AlgAssAbsOrdIdl)

M = basis_matrix(a, copy = false)
A = algebra(a)
b = Vector{elem_type(A)}(undef, dim(A))
for i = 1:dim(A)
b = Vector{elem_type(A)}(undef, nrows(M))
for i = 1:nrows(M)
b[i] = elem_from_mat_row(A, M.num, i, M.den)
a.basis = b
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -451,11 +453,13 @@ function +(a::AlgAssAbsOrdIdl{S, T}, b::AlgAssAbsOrdIdl{S, T}) where {S, T}

d = dim(algebra(a))
M = vcat(basis_matrix(a, copy = false), basis_matrix(b, copy = false))
if all(i -> !iszero(M[i, i]), 1:d)
M = sub(hnf(M, :lowerleft, triangular_top = true), (d + 1):2*d, 1:d)
if nrows(M) >= ncols(M) && is_lower_triangular(M)
M = hnf(M, :lowerleft, triangular_top = true)
M = sub(hnf(M, :lowerleft), (d + 1):2*d, 1:d)
M = hnf(M, :lowerleft)
k = findfirst(i -> !is_zero_row(M, i), 1:nrows(M))
M = sub(M, k:nrows(M), 1:ncols(M))
c = ideal(algebra(a), M; M_in_hnf=true)
if isdefined(a, :order) && isdefined(b, :order) && order(a) === order(b)
c.order = order(a)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -956,6 +960,38 @@ of `order(a)`.
normred(a::AlgAssAbsOrdIdl; copy::Bool = true) = normred(a, order(a), copy = copy)

function normred_over_center(a::AlgAssAbsOrdIdl, ZtoA::AbsAlgAssMor)
A = algebra(order(a))
Adec = decompose(A)
Z = domain(ZtoA)
n = ideal_from_lattice_gens(Z, elem_type(Z)[])
for (B, BtoA) in Adec
_, ZtoB = center(B)
# Compute the project AtoB(a)
aa = ideal_from_lattice_gens(B, [preimage(BtoA, c) for c in basis(a)])
n1 = _normred_over_center_simple(aa, ZtoB)
#n1 = _normred_over_center_simple(BtoA\a, ZtoB)
#@show QQMatrix(basis_matrix(ZtoB(n1)))
#@show det(QQMatrix(basis_matrix(_as_ideal_of_smaller_algebra(ZtoA, BtoA(ZtoB(n1))))))
n2 = _as_ideal_of_smaller_algebra(ZtoA, BtoA(ZtoB(n1)))
n += n2
return n

function _normred_over_center_simple(a::AlgAssAbsOrdIdl, ZtoA::AbsAlgAssMor)
A = algebra(a)
Z = domain(ZtoA)
fields = as_number_fields(Z)
@assert length(fields) == 1
K, ZtoK = fields[1]
B, BtoA = _as_algebra_over_center(A)
@assert base_ring(B) === K
aa = ideal_from_lattice_gens(B, [preimage(BtoA, c) for c in basis(a)])
n = normred(aa, left_order(aa))
return ideal_from_lattice_gens(Z, [preimage(ZtoK, c) for c in basis(n)])

# Locally free basis
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1495,14 +1531,20 @@ Returns $a \cap O$.
It is assumed that the order of $a$ contains $O$.
function contract(A::AlgAssAbsOrdIdl, O::AlgAssAbsOrd)
AA = algebra(O)
# Assumes O \subseteq order(A)

d = degree(O)
M1 = hcat(basis_matrix(A, copy = false), basis_matrix(A, copy = false))
M2 = hcat(FakeFmpqMat(zero_matrix(FlintZZ, d, d), ZZRingElem(1)), basis_matrix(O, copy = false))
M = vcat(M1, M2)
H = sub(hnf(M, :lowerleft), 1:d, 1:d)
return ideal(algebra(A), O, H; side=:nothing, M_in_hnf=true)
BM = QQMatrix(basis_matrix(A))
BN = QQMatrix(basis_matrix(O))
dM = denominator(BM)
dN = denominator(BN)
d = lcm(dM, dN)
BMint = change_base_ring(ZZ, d * BM)
BNint = change_base_ring(ZZ, d * BN)
H = vcat(BMint, BNint)
k, K = left_kernel(H)
BI = divexact(change_base_ring(QQ, hnf(view(K, 1:k, 1:nrows(BM)) * BMint)), d)
N = FakeFmpqMat(BI)
return ideal(algebra(O), O, N; side = :nothing)

intersect(O::AlgAssAbsOrd, A::AlgAssAbsOrdIdl) = contract(A, O)
Expand All @@ -1527,20 +1569,41 @@ function _as_ideal_of_smaller_algebra(m::AbsAlgAssMor, I::AlgAssAbsOrdIdl)
@assert dim(A) <= dim(B)
@assert algebra(I) === B
OA = maximal_order(A)
# Transport OA to B
M = zero_matrix(FlintQQ, dim(B), dim(B))
BM = zero_matrix(QQ, dim(A), dim(B))
for i = 1:dim(A)
t = m(basis_alg(OA, copy = false)[i])
elem_to_mat_row!(M, i, t)
# Compute the intersection of M and I
M = FakeFmpqMat(M)
M1 = hcat(M, M)
M2 = hcat(FakeFmpqMat(zero_matrix(FlintZZ, dim(B), dim(B)), ZZRingElem(1)), basis_matrix(I, copy = false))
N = sub(hnf(vcat(M1, M2), :lowerleft), 1:dim(B), 1:dim(B))
# Map the basis to A
basis_in_A = Vector{elem_type(A)}(undef, dim(B))
for i = 1:dim(B)
elem_to_mat_row!(BM, i, t)
BN = QQMatrix(basis_matrix(I))
dM = denominator(BM)
dN = denominator(BN)
d = lcm(dM, dN)
BMint = change_base_ring(ZZ, d * BM)
BNint = change_base_ring(ZZ, d * BN)
H = vcat(BMint, BNint)
k, K = left_kernel(H)
BI = divexact(change_base_ring(QQ, hnf(view(K, 1:k, 1:nrows(BM)) * BMint)), d)
N = FakeFmpqMat(BI)
#@show BI

#OA = maximal_order(A)
## Transport OA to B
#M = zero_matrix(FlintQQ, dim(B), dim(B))
#for i = 1:dim(A)
# t = m(basis_alg(OA, copy = false)[i])
# elem_to_mat_row!(M, i, t)
## Compute the intersection of M and I
#M = FakeFmpqMat(M)
#M1 = hcat(M, M)
#IB = basis_matrix(I, copy = false)
#M2 = hcat(FakeFmpqMat(zero_matrix(FlintZZ, nrows(IB), dim(B)), ZZRingElem(1)), IB)
#H = hnf(vcat(M1, M2), :lowerleft)
#k = findfirst(i-> !is_zero_row(H, i), 1:nrows(H))
#N = sub(H, k:nrows(H), 1:dim(B))
## Map the basis to A
basis_in_A = Vector{elem_type(A)}(undef, nrows(N))
for i = 1:nrows(N)
t = elem_from_mat_row(B, N.num, i, N.den)
b, s = haspreimage(m, t)
@assert b
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2259,7 +2322,6 @@ function primary_decomposition(I::AlgAssAbsOrdIdl, O::AlgAssAbsOrd = left_order(
push!(res, (I + P^(ee), P))

@hassert :AlgAssOrd 1 prod(x[1] for x in res; init = 1 * O) == I
@hassert :AlgAssOrd all(x -> all(y -> y[2] === x[2] || x[2] + y[2] == 1*O, res), res)

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