Set of tools based on Python, GeoPandas and Shapely to achieve urban geoprocessing
To be able to use the t4gpd plugin, perform geoprocessing and display your own maps, you need a Python3 interpreter and recent versions of the geopandas, matplotlib, numpy, and shapely libraries. One possibility is to install a Miniconda3 environment, in which you will first create and then configure a new environment (we will call it gpd):
conda create -n gpd
conda activate gpd
conda config --env --add channels conda-forge
conda config --env --set channel_priority strict
conda install python=3.10 geopandas=0.12.2 contextily geocube imageio jupyterlab mapclassify matplotlib matplotlib-scalebar meshio networkx notebook openpyxl plotly pvlib Pyarrow pyogrio pysolar pyvista pywavelets rasterio scikit-learn scipy seaborn windrose xlrd xlwt
pip install dijkstar pythermalcomfort suntimes
As t4gpd is now on PyPI, the easiest way to install the latest version is to use the pip command as follows:
pip install t4gpd
Alternatively, you can download the t4gpd latest version from the PyPI. Then, install the Python3 plugin you downloaded:
pip install t4gpd-0.9.6.tar.gz
Go to to consult the documentation.