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more tests for self-adjusting (1+(lambda,lambda)) GA mod
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thomasWeise committed Jan 31, 2020
1 parent 1eed9f7 commit a37f4d5
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Showing 2 changed files with 352 additions and 0 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
package aitoa.algorithms.bitstrings;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;

import org.junit.Assert;

import aitoa.TestTools;
import aitoa.structure.IBlackBoxProcess;
import aitoa.structure.IMetaheuristic;
import aitoa.structure.INullarySearchOperator;
import aitoa.structure.ISpace;
import aitoa.structure.LogFormat;
import aitoa.utils.math.BinomialDistribution;
import aitoa.utils.math.DiscreteConstant;
import aitoa.utils.math.DiscreteGreaterThanZero;
import aitoa.utils.math.DiscreteRandomDistribution;

* The Self-Adjusting (1+(lambda,lambda)) GA mod, as defined in
* Algorithm 5 of E. Carvalho Pinto and C. Doerr, "Towards a more
* practice-aware runtime analysis of evolutionary algorithms,"
* July 2017, arXiv:1812.00493v1 [cs.NE] 3 Dec 2018. [Online].
* Available:
* @param <Y>
* the solution space
public class InnerSelfAdjustingOpLcLGAmod<Y>
implements IMetaheuristic<boolean[], Y> {

/** the internal adaptation factor */
private static final double F = 1.5d;
/** the inverse adaptation factor */
private static final double F_BY_1_OVER_4 =
Math.pow(InnerSelfAdjustingOpLcLGAmod.F, 0.25d);

/** create */
public InnerSelfAdjustingOpLcLGAmod() {

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public final void
solve(final IBlackBoxProcess<boolean[], Y> process) {
final Random random = process.getRandom();// get random gen
final INullarySearchOperator<boolean[]> nullary =
final ISpace<boolean[]> searchSpace =

// Line 1: sample x from the search space
boolean[] x = searchSpace.create();
nullary.apply(x, random);
double fx = process.evaluate(x);
final int n = x.length;

// allocate integer array used in mutation
final int[] indices = new int[n];
for (int i = n; (--i) >= 0;) {
indices[i] = i;

// Line 2: initialize lambda to 1
int lambda = 1;
final DiscreteRandomDistribution[] binDistrs =
new DiscreteRandomDistribution[n + 1];
final boolean[][] xi = new boolean[n + 1][];

// pre-allocation: allocate and cache data structures.
// We cache the binomial distribution, we also cache the bit
// string arrays.
for (int i = xi.length; (--i) >= 0;) {
if (i > 0) {
binDistrs[i] = (i < n)
? new DiscreteGreaterThanZero(
new BinomialDistribution(n, ((double) i) / n))
: new DiscreteConstant(n);
// We ensure that there are actually lambda + 1 boolean arrays
// ready.
// This way, we can later swap in xprime even if all y(i) have
// the same best fitness which is also identical with f(xprime)
// ... unlikely, but possible.
xi[i] = new boolean[n];
// done with pre-allocation

boolean[] xprime = new boolean[n];

while (!process.shouldTerminate()) {// Line 3
Assert.assertNotSame(xprime, x);
for (int i = xi.length; (--i) >= 0;) {
for (int j = i; (--j) >= 0;) {
Assert.assertNotSame(xi[i], xi[j]);
Assert.assertNotSame(xi[i], x);
Assert.assertNotSame(xi[i], xprime);

// Line 4: begin of mutation phase
// Line 5: draw number of bits to flip
TestTools.assertGreater(lambda, 0);
TestTools.assertLessOrEqual(lambda, n);
final int l = binDistrs[lambda].nextInt(random);
TestTools.assertGreater(l, 0);
TestTools.assertLessOrEqual(l, n);
double fxprime = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
int nbest = 0;

// Line 6: Create lambda mutated offspring
for (int i = 0; i < lambda; i++) {
final boolean[] xcur = xi[i];
Assert.assertNotSame(xcur, x);
Assert.assertNotSame(xcur, xprime);
// First copy x to xcur.
System.arraycopy(x, 0, xcur, 0, n);

// Shuffle the first l elements in the index list in a
// Fisher-Yates style.
// This will produce l random, unique, different indices.
for (int j = 0; j < l; j++) {
final int k = j + random.nextInt(n - j);
final int t = indices[k];
indices[k] = indices[j];
indices[j] = t;

// In this loop, we also directly toggle the bit.
xcur[t] ^= true;

for (int j = l; (--j) > 0;) {
for (int k = j; (--k) >= 0;) {
Assert.assertNotEquals(indices[k], indices[j]);
// We now have one mutated offspring different from x and it
// differs in exactly l bits, chosen uniformly at random.

final double fxcur = process.evaluate(xcur);
if (process.shouldTerminate()) {
if (fxcur <= fxprime) {
if (fxcur < fxprime) {
nbest = 0;
fxprime = fxcur;

// Switch the element to the front.
final boolean[] t = xi[nbest];
xi[nbest] = xcur;
xi[i] = t;
if (i != nbest) {
Assert.assertNotSame(xcur, t);
} else {
Assert.assertSame(t, xcur);
++nbest; // Increase number of preserved best
} // end if fcur <= fxprime
} // done loop generating lambda offspring
TestTools.assertGreater(nbest, 0);

// We are done with mutation.
// We now have nbest entries of fitness fxprime at the beginning
// of xi.
// This makes it easy to pick one uniformly at random.
// Line 7: Selection from the mutated offspring.
final int xprimeIndex = random.nextInt(nbest);
final boolean[] t = xi[xprimeIndex];
xi[xprimeIndex] = xprime;
Assert.assertNotSame(xprime, t);
xprime = t;
// xprime has been selected, fxprime is its fitness

// Crossover makes only sense if lambda > 1
if (lambda > 1) {

// Line 8: Crossover Step
double fybest = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
nbest = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < lambda; i++) {
final boolean[] ycur = xi[i];

// Line 9 part 1
// First, copy x so that we later only need to deal with two
// arrays.
System.arraycopy(x, 0, ycur, 0, n);
boolean ycurEqualsX = true;
boolean ycurEqualsXprime = true;

for (int j = n; (--j) >= 0;) {
final boolean v = ycur[j];
final boolean w = xprime[j];
// Copy value from xprime with probability 1/lambda.
if (random.nextInt(lambda) <= 0) {
ycur[j] = w;
ycurEqualsX &= (w == v);
} else {
// Otherwise, preserve value from x.
ycurEqualsXprime &= (w == v);
} // end single crossover
.assertTrue(ycurEqualsX == Arrays.equals(ycur, x));
ycurEqualsXprime == Arrays.equals(ycur, xprime));

// Line 9 part 2
// We now have one crossovered offspring.
// Evaluate objective function only if offspring is different.
final double fycur;
if (ycurEqualsX) {
fycur = fx;
} else {
if (ycurEqualsXprime) {
fycur = fxprime;
} else {
fycur = process.evaluate(ycur);
if (process.shouldTerminate()) {

if (fycur <= fybest) {
if (fycur < fybest) {
nbest = 0;
fybest = fycur;

// Switch the element to the front.
final boolean[] tt = xi[nbest];
xi[nbest] = ycur;
xi[i] = tt;
if (nbest == i) {
Assert.assertSame(tt, ycur);
} else {
Assert.assertNotSame(tt, ycur);
++nbest; // Increase number of preserved best
} // end if fcur <= fybest
} // end create lambda crossover offspring

// OK, the array x(i), here also used for y(i) now contains
// lambda offspring at indices 0..lambda-1.
// From these, the nbest > 0 best offspring, all with objective
// value fybest, are located at indices 0...nbest-1.
// We also have xprime with fitness fxprime.
// We now need to pick, uniformly at random, one of the best
// elements from these nbest+1 elements.
// If fxprime is better than fybest, we will pick xprime.
// If fybest is better than fxprime, we will prick one of the
// first nbest elements from xi.
// If fybest == fxprime, we need to swap xprime into the xi array
// and then pick one of the nbest+1 first elements.
// Line 10: Choose the offspring
if (fxprime < fybest) {
// keep fxprime as is, it is selected
} else {
if (fybest == fxprime) {
final boolean[] tt = xi[nbest];
xi[nbest] = xprime;
Assert.assertNotSame(tt, xprime);
xprime = tt;
} else {
fxprime = fybest;

final int sel = random.nextInt(nbest);
final boolean[] ttt = xi[sel];
xi[sel] = xprime;
xprime = ttt;
} // end of crossover (lambda > 1)

// Line 10: We chose xprime = y uniformly at random from the best
// elements and its fitness is fxbest.

// Update lambda
if (fxprime < fx) {
// Line 12: If we are successful, decrease lambda.
lambda = Math.max(1, Math.min(lambda - 1, (int) (Math
.round(lambda / InnerSelfAdjustingOpLcLGAmod.F))));
} else {
// Line 13/14: No improvement: increase lambda
lambda = Math.min(n,
Math.max(lambda + 1, (int) (Math.round(lambda
* InnerSelfAdjustingOpLcLGAmod.F_BY_1_OVER_4))));
TestTools.assertGreater(lambda, 0);
TestTools.assertLessOrEqual(lambda, n);

// Select the better element (Lines 12 and 13)
if (fxprime <= fx) {
final boolean[] tt = x;
Assert.assertNotSame(tt, xprime);
x = xprime;
xprime = tt;
fx = fxprime;

} // main loop
} // process will have remembered the best candidate solution

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String toString() {
return "SelfAdjusting(1+(LcL))GAmod"; //$NON-NLS-1$

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public final void printSetup(final BufferedWriter output)
throws IOException {
output.write(LogFormat.mapEntry("mu", 1));///$NON-NLS-1$
output.write(LogFormat.mapEntry("F", 1.5));///$NON-NLS-1$
output.write(LogFormat.mapEntry("c", //$NON-NLS-1$
output.write(LogFormat.mapEntry("lambda", //$NON-NLS-1$
output.write(LogFormat.mapEntry("p", //$NON-NLS-1$
"1OverLambda")); //$NON-NLS-1$
output.write(LogFormat.mapEntry("restarts", false)); //$NON-NLS-1$
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
package aitoa.algorithms.bitstrings;

import aitoa.structure.IMetaheuristic;

/** Test a the SelfAdjustingOpLcLGAmod algorithm */
public class TestInnerSelfAdjustingOpLcLGAmod
extends TestBitStringMetaheuristic {

/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected IMetaheuristic<boolean[], boolean[]>
createMetaheuristic(final int n, final int UB) {
return new InnerSelfAdjustingOpLcLGAmod<>();

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