This bundle allows to visualize the relation between doctrine entities.
The diagram is always in sync with the application entities.
composer require --dev "tbn/doctrinerelationvisualizer-bundle"
Publish assets
php app/console assets:install
Add the bundle to config/bundles.php
return [
tbn\DoctrineRelationVisualizerBundle\DoctrineRelationVisualizerBundle::class => ['dev' => true],
Add the file config/routes/dev/visualizer.yaml
resource: "@DoctrineRelationVisualizerBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
Add the file config/packages/dev/doctrine_relation_visualizer.yaml
position_filepath: '%kernel.project_dir%/config'
display_columns: true
area_width: 4000
area_height: 3000
Go to the url:
Sort your entities to have a correct diagram