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Releases: thommcgrath/Beacon

Beacon 2.1.2

28 May 16:03
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New Features

  • Mods section now shows all mods, including official and third party mods. This allows browsing all of Beacon's mod data without using the website.
  • Beacon now supports custom mods even when it already officially supports a mod.
  • Ark Ascended Mod Discovery has two additional settings that default to good safe values. "Ignore Official Classes" will skip over mod content that uses the same class names as official game content. "Confidence Threshold" sets a minimum confidence score required to match an item to an unlock string. Lower values will allow more matches, but may reduce the quality of matches.
  • Mod names and ids can now be edited.


  • Ark Ascended Mod Discovery has received some major tuning to improve the quality of results.
  • The Mods "Developers" tab has been removed, since all mods now show in the same list. "My Mods" has been renamed to just "Mods" which seems a little redundant and may change again if a better naming idea comes to mind. Mod developers can now add a mod to Beacon using the "Register Mod" button.
  • Engram conflict detection will no longer consider two conflicting engrams with identical settings to be a conflict. This will help with auto-unlock setups with mods that use official class names.


  • Importing Beacon data exports works again. This includes downloading discovery results from the community.


21 May 15:43
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New Features

  • "Adjust Crafting Costs" tool can now target only recipes that have already been added to the project.


  • Project validation now checks for unlock string conflicts.
  • External services, such as Nitrado accounts, are sorted in more menus.
  • Added extra message during login to help slower connections avoid starting a new login before the active login has finished.


  • Realtime data connection should be more reliable.
  • Fixed decimal formatting in creature spawn limits window.


23 Apr 19:11
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  • Added mod identifier to mod editor.
  • Local mods can be filtered by Steam Workshop ID or CurseForge Project ID.


  • Unified all status bars to a consistent style.


  • Fixed Ark Evolved loot drop editor copying Ark Ascended data.
  • Fixed mod loot drop and spawn point default content publishing.
  • Fixed "Only Allow Specified Engrams" compatibility with default-unlocked engrams such as Stone Pick, Note, and Torch.
  • Fixed stat multipliers deploying incorrectly to Ark Evolved Nitrado servers with expert mode turned off.

Beacon 2.1.1

16 Apr 17:33
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  • Removed "Perfect Tame" wyvern levels as taming wyverns is not possible.
  • Tag picker can be reset to default.
  • Core mods like Ark Official can no longer be disabled.
  • Blueprint update checks will now trigger every six hours.
  • Because Stone Pick, Torch, and Note engrams are automatically unlocked for all players, editing these engrams will create duplicate entries in game. Beacon will no longer allow these engrams to be edited.
  • Engram "unlock at spawn" actions will set the engram to unlock at level 1 instead of 0, since all players start at level 1.


  • Project autosave will not trigger if the project tab does not show its modification indicator.
  • Deploying to a Nitrado ASA server will not wait if you are not using the "stop, update, restart" deploy strategy.
  • Blueprint updates will better clean up cached objects.

Mod Content Editing

  • Mod blueprint editor will display the blueprint UUID in the lower left corner.
  • Removing an ingredient from an engram recipe in the blueprint editor will activate the Save button.
  • The blueprint editor now has an "All Maps" option, allowing the blueprint to be listed as compatible with all current and future maps.
  • Mod Editor lists now have a Mod ID column.


19 Mar 18:00
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  • Fixed bug causing many values to import as empty or zero from Ark: Survival Evolved Nitrado servers.
  • Beacon now imports and exports MutagenLevelBoost_Bred instead of MutagenLevelBoostBred.
  • Added check and guidance for WebView2 on the rare copies of Windows that do not include it by default.
  • Beacon will report a 502 "Bad Gateway" error from Nitrado as an unplanned outage.

Beacon 2.1

06 Mar 19:55
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  • Support for Palworld.
  • Web content, such as the login and help views, now use the built-in WebView2 control on Windows, instead of including a copy of Chrome with Beacon.
  • Fixed language on Nitrado authorization error.
  • Fixed language on the post-deploy dialog.
  • Ark: Survival Ascended Mod Discovery will attempt to find spawn points.

Beacon 2.1 Alpha 2

15 Feb 19:33
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Beacon 2.1 Alpha 2 Pre-release
  • ASA mod discovery now tries to download the smallest mod file first, rather than the one recommended by CurseForge.
  • ASA mod discovery will try multiple downloads. This allows it to work with ASA premium mods, where the smallest mod file may be protected.
  • Added "perfect" tame column to ASA and ASE difficulty editors.
  • [Windows] Removed CEF (Chrome Embedded Framework) in favor of the built-in WebView2.


15 Feb 19:32
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  • ASA mod discovery now tries to download the smallest mod file first, rather than the one recommended by CurseForge.
  • ASA mod discovery will try multiple downloads. This allows it to work with ASA premium mods, where the smallest mod file may be protected.
  • Added "perfect" tame column to ASA and ASE difficulty editors.

Beacon 2.1 Alpha 1

31 Jan 15:28
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Beacon 2.1 Alpha 1 Pre-release
  • Palworld support!

Beacon 2.0.2

31 Jan 15:23
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  • Empty sets, typically possibly in loot and spawn points, will not export from Ark Ascended projects because the game doesn't seem to parse the "()" correctly, causing potential start issues.
  • Added more guidance when a Nitrado authorization is no longer valid and needs to be replaced.
  • Blueprints can now be exported to CSV.
  • Fixed GameServerApp command line options not importing or deploying.
  • Omni notice banners will take users to game-specific pages.