Releases: thommcgrath/Beacon
Beacon 2.0.1
- Fixed an exception when updating from a previous version of Beacon with an empty recent projects list.
- Added an "update strategy" setting to the deploy process. ASA Nitrado servers will be able to choose between three different strategies: "stop, update, start", "update and restart", and "update only."
- Improve error message handling in the login window.
- Empty loot item set names are no longer allowed. Item sets with empty names will become filled with a default name.
- Fixed exception creating a breeding multipliers sharable link.
- Fixed an exception new users would experience while creating a loot item set entry.
- Fixed database breakdown if a previously imported mod becomes added to the official mods list.
- Changing mod blueprints will update the mod's "last update" time.
- Fixed false error message on mod blueprint publish.
- ASA mod discovery will try to find loot containers.
- Added "Unlock String" column to mod engram list.
- Can now copy and paste mod recipe ingredients.
- Catching exception while trying to save mod blueprints.
- Fixed ASA mod discovery of mods with minimal paths.
- ASA "Add Mod" will not allow adding built-in mods.
- If run on built-in mods, ASA mod discovery will place its results into the User Blueprints mod.
- Fixed bug causing too many mods to be deleted.
- Improved database cleanup before a refresh.
- Recently selected blueprints will filter to the top of the selection list.
- Deploy backups will include Nitrado's full config data.
- Spawn sets will restore their colors from save.
- Server list refresh will no longer cause an exception if an account's servers cannot be listed.
- Locally-saved projects will correctly update their encryption key after a password reset.
- Fixed some checkbox labels being cut short on Mac.
- Fixed searching the community and developer mod lists.
- Local backups of cloud projects can be toggled from the Project Settings editor.
- Fixed ASA spawn limits and replacements.
- Adjusted handling of ASA mod content paths.
- ASA mod paths will be automatically updated from the old ASE structure to the new ASA structure.
- Realtime data connection will more aggressively try to stay connected.
- Deleting a spawn point from the Creature Spawns editor will mark the project as having unsaved changes.
- Fixed mod engram unlock requirements not clearing.
- Mod selector will not get messed up by long mod names.
- ASA mod discovery automatically adds the "blueprintable" tag to engrams. It may not always be correct, but it'll be helpful more often than it isn't.
- Editing multiple blueprints will save correctly again.
- Correctly enabling the "Save" button when importing mod content that has been included with a project.
- Creature Spawns editor for ASA will now produce config lines with full blueprint paths, which makes the config work again!
- Fixed issue decrypting external services owned by other users.
- The Stack Sizes editor for ASA is now free.
- Added some logging to help figure out why the realtime socket disconnects.
- Fixed general settings not being deleted by server-supplied data updates.
Beacon 2.0
Major Features and Changes
Ark: Survival Ascended Support
This version of Beacon allows the creation of Ark: Survival Ascended projects, which will connect to Ark: Survival Ascended servers.
New Mods Editor
The old Blueprints tab has been renamed Mods and given a bunch of new features. A new Community tab, just like the Projects tab, allows you to search for mods that other users have previously processed with Mod Discovery. Mod Discovery results are automatically added to the Community tab, and running Mod Discovery on a mod that has already been discovered by another user will ask if you'd like to download their results instead. Mod authors can now also use Mod Discovery to help load their data into Beacon.
Better Project Sharing
Adding users to a project now happens instantly. Also, users have roles: Admin, Editor, and Guest. Editors have the same permissions as in older versions of Beacon. Admins are Editors who can add or remove Editors or Guests. Guests have read-only access to the project and cannot create configuration files. Projects still have only one Owner, who is responsible for adding or removing Admins.
If multiple users have the project open at the same time, they will be warned if their project has changes and another user has just saved the project. This helps reduce the chance of two users overwriting each other's changes.
Changes to External Account Authorizations
In the past, Beacon has stored external account authorizations (such as to Nitrado) inside the Beacon project. This is very secure, but can also be very cumbersome, especially if something goes wrong. And there were a lot of ways things could go wrong.
These authorizations are now part of your Beacon account. Once you sign in to Beacon, you will see a new "Connections" option in your account control panel. Nitrado login, as well as and Nitrado long life tokens can be added here. Your projects will automatically use these authorizations.
Opening an old project that has authorization data will automatically add it to your Beacon account if you don't have a matching account.
Full Release Notes
- Added more detail to recent projects list.
- Restored autosaves will save back to the original instead of asking to save a new version.
- Connected services are now stored in your Beacon account instead of your projects.
- Added support for Nitrado long-life tokens.
- Login window uses Beacon's v4 OAuth API.
- Config manager can assign sets to servers.
- New project format holds mod content.
- New mod editor is more organized and supports better import and export options.
- Mod discovery can run inside a mod editor.
- Mod discovery uploads Ark: Survival Evolved results to the community.
- Increased system requirements to macOS 10.14 and Windows 10.
- Added setting for profile icon.
- Added setting to show symbols on switch controls.
- Cloud projects can keep local backup versions.
- Improved sharing controls.
- Added buttons to reprioritize config sets.
- Project sharing changes are instant.
- Added a hint to Nitrado's "state 4" error.
- Increased Nitrado request timeout to 120 seconds to improve the success rate when their API is overwhelmed.
- Improved error messages when loading a project from disk on Mac fails due to the system sandbox.
- Deploy logs can be scrolled properly without being locked to the bottom.
- "Single Player, Local Files, or Copy + Paste" has been split into two options: "Files on your computer" and "Copy + Paste." This improves consistency so that Beacon knows which content to use. In the past it was possible to choose a file but make changes in the text area, making it impossible to know which should be considered correct.
- Improve language of the Omni notice bar and dialog.
- Added "Game" column to Cloud and Community project lists.
- Added a "Migrate Anonymous Accounts" tool to the help menu. This normally happens when switching from an anonymous account to a named account, but this tool can help in case something goes wrong.
- Added a "Remove Unknown Content" tool to ASA project's Tools menu that will look through the entire project and remove anything that isn't known by Beacon's database. This can be useful when importing an older ASE config that may have items that ASA does not support.
- Fixed exception with MOTD ends with </>.
- Added column to Accounts editor to show the Beacon account each row belongs to.
- The user menu in the top-right corner of Beacon will show the full username.
- Improved disambiguation logic.
- Fixed wonky section resizers.
- Improved positioning of toolbar help tags near screen edges.
- Fixed experience wizard starting level.
- Improved the behavior of File -> Close.
- Beacon will recognize the "/Script/Engine.Blueprint" paths generated by the ASA dev kit.
- Added "Show Diagnostic Information" option to the Help menu.
Beacon 2.0 Beta 5
- Creatures are not detected by ASA mod discovery.
- Improved algorithm for mapping item unlock classes to their items.
- New "Show Diagnostic Information" option in the Help menu.
- More login logging.
- Fixed ASA mod export.
Beacon 2.0 Beta 4
This build merges the beta back into the main Beacon install. The old beta versions will be uninstalled.
- Fixed experience wizard starting level.
- Fixed a bug with device private key encryption.
- Fixed loading loot item sets from ancient v2 projects.
- ASA's MessageSetterID setting will no longer be extracted into the message of the day.
- Fixed opening projects from beacon:// urls.
- Fixed PreventDuplicates and AddToDefaults values getting swapped.
- Empty loot objects will not be loaded from projects.
- Improved behavior of File -> Close.
- Request queues should no longer get stuck. This is most obvious when trying to add more than one user to a project.
- Added log messages to help track down excessive login requests.
- Beacon will recognize the "/Script/Engine.Blueprint" paths generated by the ASA dev kit.
- Implemented a very janky mod discovery for ASA. While better than nothing, it'll often be wrong, especially for engram unlocks. It's the best we can do for now.
- ASA servers are no longer treated as platform-specific.
- Removed "Force Console Compatibility" option from ASA projects.
- Fixed "Go To Issue" button in project validation step.
- Login tokens will compensate for user clock differences.
- Fixed duplicate loot item set naming issues.
- Added "Account" menu to Nitrado and GameServerApp import to allow filtering the server list when more than one account is available.
Beacon 2.0 Beta 3
- Fixed "Setup Fibercraft Server" default settings in ASA projects.
- Fixed exception creating a Template from an item set migrated from an ASE project.
- Handling weird exception trying to look up mod info from CurseForge.
- Fixed exception closing a project while a Nitrado server view is open.
- Fixed bad loot drop import.
Beacon 2.0.0 Beta 2
- Fixed loot drops not loading from v7 ASE and ASA projects.
- Fixed numerous ASA mod registration bugs.