Please read the following paper for more details: Youyou Lu, Jiwu Shu, Youmin Chen. "Octopus: an RDMA-enabled distributed persistent memory file system", in USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC'17), 2017
WARNING: The code can only used for academic research.
- OS: Fedora
- Dependencies: fuse-devel, cryptopp-devel,boost-devel,mpicxx,g++(4.9 and higher),libibverbs,java
Build Octopus:
- create a new folder "build"
- run "cmake .. & make -j"
- dmfs: octopus server
- mpibw: data I/O test
- mpitest: metadata
Octopus support two modes: fuse and library:
- Library: refer to the usage of src/client/nrfs.h and mpibw/mpitest
- FUSE (fusenrfs): octopus client over fuse -- run "./fusenrfs -f -o direct_io /mnt/dmfs"
Configuration: conf.xml: configuration of the cluster
Storage Research Group @ Tsinghua Universty