This is a automatic system setup for Ubuntu 24.10.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
You can download ubuntu-setup branch from github. Or cloning this git repository:
git clone
On Ubuntu, the following command will run the
sudo ./
Or you can run an script from the extras
sudo ./extras/
Replace FILE
with the name of the script you want.
This script automatically installs the following softwares:
- AnyDesk (flapak)
- Apostrophe (flatpak)
- Bitwarden (flatpak)
- Celluloid (flatpak)
- Collision (flatpak)
- Cpu-X
- Decoder (flatpak)
- Decibels (flatpak)
- Discord (flatpak)
- Extension Manager (flatpak)
- Eyedropper (flatpak)
- Firefox
- Fragments (flatpak)
- Identity (flatpak)
- Inkscape
- Inspector (flatpak)
- Google Chrome
- Google Earth Pro
- Gimp (flatpak)
- LibreOffice
- Loupe (flatpak)
- Microsoft Teams
- Mousai (flatpak)
- MuseScore (snap)
- NewsFlash (flatpak)
- OBS Studio (flatpak)
- Paleta (flatpak)
- Papers (flatpak)
- Remmina (flatpak)
- Scrcpy (snap)
- Shortwave (flatpak)
- Simplenote (snap)
- Skype (flatpak)
- Slack (flatpak)
- Sound Recorder (flatpak)
- Space Cadet Pinball (flatpak)
- Spotify (flatpak)
- Stacer
- Stellarium
- Stremio
- Synaptic
- Telegram (flatpak)
- TimeShift
- Tube Converter (flatpak)
- Upscaler (flatpak)
- VirtualBox
- VLC (flatpak)
- What IP (flatpak)
- git
- htop
- neofetch
- speedtest-cli
- yt-dlp
- apt-transport-https
- curl
- exfat-fuse
- ffmpeg
- laptop-mode-tools
- lsb
- net-tools
- nautilus-image-converter
- ubuntu-restricted-extras
- unrar
- unzip
- usb-creator-gtk
- v4l2loopback-dkms
- wnctrl
- zip
- fonts-apropal
- fonts-atarismall
- fonts-baekmuk
- fonts-bajaderka
- fonts-blankenburg
- fonts-cantarell
- fonts-cascadia-code
- fonts-comfortaa
- fonts-dejavu-extra
- fonts-fanwood
- fonts-firacode
- fonts-font-awesome
- fonts-gamaliel
- fonts-glasstty
- fonts-hack
- fonts-hack-ttf
- fonts-havana
- fonts-inter
- fonts-inter-variable
- fonts-junicode
- fonts-lato
- fonts-league-spartan
- fonts-lemonada
- fonts-le-murmure
- fonts-lexi-gulim
- fonts-lindenhill
- fonts-lmodern
- fonts-lyx
- fonts-millimetre
- fonts-mplus
- fonts-nanum
- fonts-noto-color-emoji
- fonts-open-sans
- fonts-osifont
- fonts-oxygen
- fonts-paratype
- fonts-prociono
- fonts-roboto
- fonts-roboto-slab
- fonts-tomsontalks
- fonts-ubuntu-console
- fonts-vollkorn
- fonts-yanone-kaffeesatz
- ttf-ancient-fonts
- ttf-mscorefonts-installer
- chrome-gnome-shell
- dconf-editor
- file-roller
- gnome-backgrounds
- gnome-boxes (flatpak)
- gnome-clocks
- gnome-epub-thumbnailer
- gnome-firmware
- gnome-maps (flatpak)
- gnome-shell-extensions
- gnome-software-plugin-flatpak
- gnome-tweaks
- gnome-weather
- gparted
- language-pack-gnome-en
- language-pack-gnome-pt
Contains scripts for the automatic installation of the following softwares:
- Composer
- Development Apps
- Android Studio
- Atom
- Eclipse
- DBeaver
- Git
- GitHub CLI
- GitKraken
- IntelliJ
- Insomnia
- Meson
- MySQL Workbench
- Ninja
- NodeJs
- PhpStorm
- Poedit
- Postman
- Python Pip
- Sublime Merge
- Sublime Text
- Visual Studio Code
- Zed
- Lamp
- Apache
- MySql
- phpMyAdmin
- Laravel
- Popcorn Time
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
GitHub: @tiagoFlach
Instagram: @flachtiago
LinkedIn: Tiago Lucas Flach
Project link:
Distributed under the MIT license.
Copyright 2020 © tiagoFlach.