For people who want to practice their sight reading ability. Generates sheet music on the fly so that you can practice sight reading.
note: 'C',
duration: '1',
chord: 'C7',
isStaccato: true,
isTenuto: true,
isMarcato: true,
isAccent: true,
isSlurStart: true
Each array item represents a bar
note: 'C',
duration: '1',
chord: 'C7',
isSlurStart: true
note: 'E',
chord: 'C7',
duration: '1'
note: 'G',
chord: 'C7',
duration: '1'
note: 'B',
chord: 'C7',
duration: '1',
isSlurEnd: true
note: 'C',
chord: 'C7',
duration: '1',
isSlurStart: true
note: 'E',
chord: 'C7',
duration: '1'
note: 'G',
chord: 'C7',
duration: '1'
note: 'B',
chord: 'C7',
duration: '1',
isSlurEnd: true
- Better phrasing algorithm
- Ties
- Syncapation
- Form for adjusting settings for generation, eg Change clef, bar counts, no triplets
- Generate full 32 bar song with repeats and bridge
- Seeding, for saving a sheet
- ReactJS
- Vexflow
- Webpack