Hello 👋, I am Liu, An-Chi. His Chinese name is 劉安齊 (pronounce: 劉/liú/ 安/ān/ 齊/chí/). Liu is a software engineer, and he is well known as the ID @tigercosmos in open-source communities.
Liu was born in Taipei, Taiwan. He is now working in Tokyo, Japan, as a software engineer. He holds an M.S. degree in Computer Science from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) in 2022, Taiwan. He got a B.S. degree in Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering from National Taiwan University (NTU) in 2019.
Liu’s research interests mainly focus on system software and high-performance programming. Liu loves sharing. He teaches coding, writes articles, and gives talks. He participates in many open-source projects. He believes sharing makes the world a better place.
- Website: tigercosmos.xyz
- Github: @tigercosmos
- LinkedIn: @liuanchi
- Facebook Page: 微中子 @tigercosmos
- Twitter: @tigercosmos
- Email: phy.tiger@gmail.com