This is an experimental setup of a telepresence robot that is supposed to drive around a museum, remote controlled by a user on a different location using a website. This repository handles the controlling of the motors, servos and sensors. The main parts are a Teensy 3.6 board which receives the user input, sensor input, and controls servos to aim the webcam, and a MakeBlock Orion board which controls the four motors via two motor driver boards (with custom firmware).
Because this is an experimental prototype, this readme is bound to get outdated. Sorry about that :)
Documentation about Orion board
Documentation Teensy 3.6 board
The input for controlling the direction of driving has 3 parameters; driveAngle, driveSpeed and rotationSpeed. These are combined in an algorithm to compute howeach motor should spin.
driveAngle to translate at: [0, 2pi] (float) PI1.5 = right direction 0 = forward direction PI0.5 = left direction PI = backwards direction driveSpeed: [-1,1] (float) 1 = maximum forward (in the chosen direction) -1 = maximum backward (in the chosen direction) rotationSpeed: [-1,1] (float) -1 = turn maximum left 1 = turn maximum right
The web interface (both user and robot side) Sending input from the web to a serialport Custom firmware for the motor driver boards Signalling server for webRTC
Feel free to post an issue if you have any questions.