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Typesafe and lightweight RPC for .NET

NetMessage is a small and easy to use RPC and messaging library. The NetMessageClient and NetMessageServer classes provide typesafe communication for any kind of .NET application. All message types are defined by plain C# classes. No configuration files, no external tools and no additional dependencies.

NetMessage can be an alternative to gRPC, if endpoints are implemented in .NET.


1. Download

Get NetMessage from NuGet.

2. Define packet types

Define classes for your packets, e.g.:

public class WeatherRequest : IRequest<WeatherResponse>
  public string City { get; set; }
  public DateTime Date { get; set; }

public class WeatherResponse
  public string Forecast { get; set; }

Note that not only the packet types are defined by this, but also a communication contract between client and server, which is enforced by the compiler: in this example, WeatherRequest is tied to the response type WeatherResponse. When an endpoint receives a WeatherRequest packet, it must reply with an instance of WeatherResponse. On the caller side, no typecast is needed to consume the response of the specifc type.

Besides request and response packets, endpoints can also send simple messages. See Working Principle for more details.

All instances are (de)serialized by the selected IDataSerializer. By default, the XmlSerializer from .NET is used, which imposes some restrictions.

3. Initialize and start server

Create a server instance, which will listen on the specified port, and add handlers for relevant events, messages and requests. Then, start the server:

var server = new NetMessageServer(1234);

server.OnError += OnError;
server.SessionOpened += OnSessionOpened;
server.SessionClosed += OnSessionClosed;

server.AddRequestHandler<WeatherRequest, WeatherResponse>(WeatherRequestHandler);


Don't forget to implement the corresponding handlers, for example:

private static void WeatherRequestHandler(NetMessageSession session, 
                    TypedRequest<WeatherRequest, WeatherResponse> tr)
  Console.WriteLine($"REQUEST: How is the wheater in {tr.Request.City}?");
  var response = new WeatherResponse { Forecast = "Sunny" };

4. Initialize client and connect to server

Create the client instance and add handlers for relevant events, messages and requests. Then, connect to the server using its host name and port number:

var client = new NetMessageClient();

client.OnError += OnError;
client.Connected += OnConnected;
client.Disconnected += OnDisconnected;

// of course, our client could also listen for communication initiated by the server
//client.AddRequestHandler<Request, RequestResponse>(RequestHandler);

client.ConnectAsync("", 1234);

5. Start communication

When the connection has been established, you are ready to send messages or requests:

// following line sends a simple string message
client.SendMessageAsync("Hello World!");

// following line sends a request and waits for the corresponding response
var response = await client.SendRequestAsync(new WeatherRequest { City = "Bonn" });
Console.WriteLine($"RESPONSE: {response.Forecast}");


Check out the TypeSafe example in the Examples folder. It is a small console application that can send a few pre-defined messages on a key press from the client to the server and vice versa. Or just inspect the relevant files from here:

Closing Connections

To gracefully shut down a connection, call Disconnect() on the client or the corresponding session of the server. Both endpoints are notified about the closed connection: on clients, the Disconnected event is triggered, on the server the SessionClosed event.

These events are also triggered in case of connection errors, for example, when the connection is reset by the operating system, or when the connection was lost (see heartbeats below). To understand the reason for disconnection, details are provided in the SessionClosedArgs. Possible reasons are defined by ECloseReason, see here.

Error Handling

Every error or exception in the communication layer triggers the OnError event of the server or client. If the connection is closed due to an error, the respective Disconnected or SessionClosed event is triggered first.

Heartbeats and Keepalive

By default, heartbeat signals are send by both endpoints in certain intervals (HeartbeatInterval). If one endpoint does not receive a packet or heartbeat signal for a certain time (ReceiveTimeout), it will assume that the connection was lost and closes the session with a ConnectionLost reason. The default timing values can be found here (among others).

If heartbeats are disabled, the TCP "keep alive" mechanism provided by the operating system is used. To disable heartbeats, set HeartbeatInterval to a value smaller or equal to zero. In that case, the OS should send the first keep alive message when no data was transmitted for KeepAliveTime and should then retry after KeepAliveInterval if no acknowledgement was received. The number of retries depends on the OS settings (it should be a fixed value of 10 for recent versions of Microsoft Windows). However, the keep alive timing values are not properly considered in all cases and it may take much longer before a connection loss is detected. If the detection of a connection loss is important, it is highly recommended to use heartbeats instead of keep alive.

Working Principle

Three basic packet kinds can be distinguished:

  • Message: an arbitrary message
  • Request: a message that expects a response of a specific type
  • Response: the response for a request

The client or server application can register on the NetMessageClient or NetMessageServer class to be notified when a message or request with a specific type is received:

  • void AddMessageHandler<TTData>(Action<NetMessageClient, TTData> messageHandler)
    • Where TTData is the expected message type without constraints.
  • void AddRequestHandler<TTData, TTRsp>(Action<NetMessageClient, TypedRequest<TTData, TTRsp>> requestHandler)
    • Where TTData is the expected request type and must derive IRequest<TTRsp>. TTRsp is the expected response type without constraints. The IRequest interface is otherwise empty.

Once connected, both the client and the server application can initiate sending of messages or requests on the NetMessageClient or NetMessageSession class (one session is created on the server for every connected client):

  • Task<bool> SendMessageAsync(object message)
    • Note that a message can be of any type, but the receiver must have added a handler for the appropriate type to receive it.
  • Task<TTRsp> SendRequestAsync<TTRsp>(IRequest<TTRsp> request)
    • The task provides access to the received response with the appropriate type. If no response was received before a given timeout, a TimeoutException is thrown. The timeout value can be configured on the client or the server object.
    • Note that like for messages, the receiver must have added a handler for the appropriate type to receive the request.

A response is sent by calling the following method diretly on the received TypedRequest<TTData, TTRsp> object, which wraps the original user request object of type TTData:

  • Task<bool> SendResponseAsync(TTRsp response)
    • The type of the response is constrained by the received request. The sender of the request is notified transparently, it is not possible to add an explicit handler.


If you just want to change the way how C# objects are (de)serialized, e.g., if you want to use Json instead of XML, all you have to do is implementing the IDataSerializer interface (IDataSerializer.cs) and pass the corresponding instance to the NetMessageServer and NetMessageClient constructor respectively. Take a look at the existing implementation for XML in XmlDataSerializer.cs if you need an example.

If you want to implement a truly custom protocol, you can still take advantage of the event based notifications provided by NetMessage, but the higher layer for transparent (de)serialization of C# objects is not available. If this is OK, you can use the NetMessage.Base NuGet package directly. You have to implement the IProtocol interface (see IProtocol.cs) and must add the corresponding concrete classes for the server, client, session and request objects. See the SimpleString Example under Examples for details.


There is small but strong collection of integration tests, see here.


  • Auto reconnect feature (if desired, client automatically reconnects to the server after a connection loss)
  • Notification when receiving message/request without corresponding handler
  • Performance measurements
  • TLS encryption


Typesafe and lightweight RPC for .NET






