A few related projects for traditional Java web development with Guice and using embedded Jetty, specifically:
- embedded-jetty - a builder for embedded web servers and a simple way to wrap embedded Jetty around Guice servlets and launch it
- jackson - a simple extensible way to bind Jackson and allow looking up of things which need to configure Jackson to serialize things on the classpath
- giulius-servlet - simplified Guice servlets
- statistics - Ability to annotate methods on Guice-created objects in order to automatically generate JMX Mbeans and optionally publish timing and access statistics via UDP packets
- statsd-aop - Uses Guice-AOP to allow guice-instantiated objects to be annotated with, e.g.
@Metric(value = "failedLoginAttempts", type = Metric.Types.INCREMENT)
and calls to that method will be sent to a statsd server.
Builds and a Maven repository containing this project can be found on timboudreau.com.