The Sales Predictions project is my first exploration into data science. I was given a data set of product charactaristics and sales in a number out outlets. The goal was to create a prediction method for future sales. The concept of future sales was not difined and given my interest in product development and industrial design i chose to use this as an opportunity to explore new market opportunities as well the concept of canabalism of sales. In the end my goal was to develop a ML model that would help the companies staff identify new products and predict their sales potential based on known charactaristics of any product.
Following the overview, my goal of this project was to create a new product model that would help the client assess new products and better understand their sales potential vs the existing products in their stores.|
|--a list of plots in html and png exported from index.html and main.ipynb
|--The start of a SQL database for new and old product reporting.
Pandas, MatPlotLib, Bokeh, and SKLearn.
You can see a scroll through of the index.html HERE
All this work can be found in the main_model.ipynb. I will update this section with images and more text soon.