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feat(admin game init): add genetic values visualisation
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For that I had to refactor how the genetic values are generated.
(cf. discussion on #37)

I used a simulation approach where I simulate the genotypes and
marker effects and then calculate the genetic values.

This is not the best in my opinion since the simulation of the genotypes
is a bit slow (~3s), fortunately the genotypes are simulated only once
(when the "game initialisation" windows apprears) as this simulation do
not depends an any parameter for now.

However, the marker effects simulation and genetic values calculation
are done every time `sigma_a2` or the pleiotropy parameters change.
This calculation takes a bit of time and the plots update is not 100%
smooth but it is acceptable (on my hardware).
  • Loading branch information
juliendiot42 committed Jul 30, 2024
1 parent fe8a2f2 commit a2b7b58
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Showing 3 changed files with 411 additions and 19 deletions.
215 changes: 197 additions & 18 deletions src/fun/module_gameInit_params.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -437,51 +437,125 @@ gameInit_traits_ui <- function(id) {
plotlyOutput(ns("pheno_plot"), width = "100%"),
plotlyOutput(ns("genetic_values_plot"), width = "100%"),
tags$blockquote(style = "font-weight: normal; font-size: inherit; font-style: italic;",
"Note: The graphs above show an example of what the phenotypic values of",
"Note: The graphs above show an examples of what the phenotypic/genetic values of",
"the initial population will look like. The actual values",
"generated durring the game initialisation will have a similar",
"structure but will be different."


quick_pheno_simul <- function(mu, min, cv_g, h2, seed = 1993) {
quick_pheno_simul <- function(mu, sig_p, sig, sig_y, g0, seed = 1993) {

saved_seed <- .Random.seed
saved_seed <- .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed
n_inds <- 100
n_inds <- length(g0)
n_years <- 5
first_year <- 1

sig_p <- calc_sigma_p2(mu, min)
sig_a <- calc_sigma_a2(cv_g, mu)
sig <- calc_sigma2(h2, sig_a)
sig_y <- calc_sigma_y2(sig_p, sig_a, sig)

df <- data.frame(
i = seq(1, n_inds),
g = rnorm(n_inds, 0, sqrt(sig_a))
g = g0

df <-, lapply(seq(first_year, first_year + n_years), function(year) {
y_eff <- rnorm(1, 0, sqrt(sig_y))
y_effs <- rnorm(n_years, 0, sqrt(sig_y))

df <-, lapply(seq_along(y_effs), function(year) {
y_eff <- y_effs[year]
df$year <- year
df$year_eff <- y_eff
df$pheno <- mu + df$g + y_eff + rnorm(n_inds, 0, sqrt(sig))
df$year <- as.character(df$year)

.GlobalEnv$.Random.seed <- saved_seed


quick_afs_simul <- function(n_marker_sim = 15000, shape1 = 0.5, shape2 = 0.5, seed = 42) {
saved_seed <- .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed
n_marker_sim <- 15000
sim.afs <- rbeta(n_marker_sim, shape1, shape2)
.GlobalEnv$.Random.seed <- saved_seed

quick_geno_simul <- function(afs, n_inds = 1000, seed = 43) {
saved_seed <- .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed
geno_centered <- sapply(afs, function(af) {
n <- round(n_inds * af)
sample(c(rep(2 - 2 * af, n), rep(-2 * af, n_inds - n)))
.GlobalEnv$.Random.seed <- saved_seed

quick_g0_simul <- function(T1_sig_a2,
seed = 44) {

if (!is.null(valid_variance(T1_sig_a2))
|| !is.null(valid_variance(T2_sig_a2))) {
saved_seed <- .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed
sigma.beta2 <- c(T1_sig_a2, T2_sig_a2) / (2 * sum(afs * (1 - afs)))

n_snp <- length(afs)
n_pleio <- round(n_snp * prop_pleio)
n_non_pleio <- n_snp - n_pleio

Sigma.beta.nopleio <- matrix(c(sigma.beta2[1], 0,
0, sigma.beta2[2]),
nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
cov.pleio <- cor_pleio * sqrt(sigma.beta2[1] * sigma.beta2[2])
Sigma.beta.pleio <- matrix(c(sigma.beta2[1], cov.pleio,
cov.pleio, sigma.beta2[2]),
nrow = 2, ncol = 2)

# I don't use MASS::mvrnorm and use a "manual approach" here so that the
# generated values remain the same more or less the covariance structure
# whatever the provided parameters. This will help the visualisation as
# the cloud point will be deformed.
base_random_values <- matrix(rnorm(n_snp * 2), 2)

R_nopleio <- chol(Sigma.beta.nopleio)

if (n_non_pleio != 0) {
beta_nopleio <- t(R_nopleio) %*% base_random_values[, 1:n_non_pleio]
} else {
beta_nopleio <- c()

R_pleio <- chol(Sigma.beta.pleio)
if (n_pleio != 0) {
beta_pleio <- t(R_pleio) %*% base_random_values[, (n_non_pleio+1):n_snp]
} else {
beta_pleio <- c()

beta <- t(cbind(beta_nopleio, beta_pleio))

.GlobalEnv$.Random.seed <- saved_seed
geno %*% beta

gameInit_traits_server <- function(id, iv) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -683,10 +757,34 @@ gameInit_traits_server <- function(id, iv) {
output$T2_sig_y2 <- renderText({signif(T2_sig_y2(), 6)})

afs_sim <- reactive({
quick_afs_simul(n_marker_sim = 15000, seed = 42)

geno_sim <- reactive({
quick_geno_simul(afs = afs_sim(), n_inds = 1000, seed = 43)

g0_sim <- reactive({
T1_sig_a2 = T1_sig_a2(),
T2_sig_a2 = T2_sig_a2(),
afs = afs_sim(),
prop_pleio = input$prop_pleio,
cor_pleio = input$cor_pleio,
geno = geno_sim(),
seed = 44

output$pheno_plot <- renderPlotly({
colors_T1 <- c("#1f77b4", "#ff7f0e")
colors_T2 <- c("#2ca02c", "#e12a2a")
if (!pheno_params_validator_T1$is_valid()) {
if (!pheno_params_validator_T1$is_valid()
|| !pheno_params_validator_pleio$is_valid()
|| !is.null(valid_variance(T1_sig_a2()))
|| !is.null(valid_variance(T2_sig_a2()))
) {
fig_T1 <- plot_ly(type = "box") %>%
x=0.5, y=0.5, xref = "paper", yref = "paper",
Expand All @@ -700,7 +798,12 @@ gameInit_traits_server <- function(id, iv) {
T1_cv_g <- input$t1_cv_g
T1_h2 <- input$t1_h2

data_t1 <- quick_pheno_simul(T1_mu, T1_min, T1_cv_g, T1_h2, seed = 1993)
data_t1 <- quick_pheno_simul(T1_mu,
sig_p = T1_sig_p2(),
sig = T1_sig2(),
sig_y = T1_sig_y2(),
g0 = g0_sim()[,1],
seed = 1993)

fig_T1 <- plot_ly(
Expand All @@ -722,7 +825,11 @@ gameInit_traits_server <- function(id, iv) {
yaxis = list(title = "Phenotypes Trait 1")

if (!pheno_params_validator_T2$is_valid()) {
if (!pheno_params_validator_T2$is_valid()
|| !pheno_params_validator_pleio$is_valid()
|| !is.null(valid_variance(T1_sig_a2()))
|| !is.null(valid_variance(T2_sig_a2()))
) {
fig_T2 <- plot_ly(type = "box") %>%
x=0.5, y=0.5, xref = "paper", yref = "paper",
Expand All @@ -736,7 +843,12 @@ gameInit_traits_server <- function(id, iv) {
T2_cv_g <- input$t2_cv_g
T2_h2 <- input$t2_h2

data_t2 <- quick_pheno_simul(T2_mu, T2_min, T2_cv_g, T2_h2, seed = 42)
data_t2 <- quick_pheno_simul(T2_mu,
sig_p = T2_sig_p2(),
sig = T2_sig2(),
sig_y = T2_sig_y2(),
g0 = g0_sim()[,2],
seed = 42)

fig_T2 <- plot_ly(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -767,6 +879,73 @@ gameInit_traits_server <- function(id, iv) {

output$genetic_values_plot <- renderPlotly({

valid <- (
&& is.null(valid_variance(T1_sig_a2()))
&& is.null(valid_variance(T2_sig_a2()))

if (!valid) {
return(plot_ly(type = "scatter", mode = "markers") %>%
x=0.5, y=0.5, xref = "paper", yref = "paper",
text = "Error with provided parameters",
xanchor = 'center',
showarrow = FALSE

dta <-
colnames(dta) <- c("G_T1", "G_T2")

lin_mod <- lm("G_T2 ~ G_T1", data = dta)
cor_pearson <- signif(cor(dta$G_T1, dta$G_T2, method = "pearson"), 3)
cor_spearman <- signif(cor(dta$G_T1, dta$G_T2, method = "spearman"), 3)

plot_ly(type = "scatter",
mode = "markers",
data = dta,
x = ~G_T1,
y = ~G_T2,
showlegend = FALSE,
hoverinfo = "text",
text = apply(dta, 1, function(l) {
paste(names(l), ":", l, collapse = "\n")
) %>% add_lines(
inherit = FALSE,
x = ~G_T1,
y = fitted(lin_mod),
showlegend = FALSE,
name = paste("linear reggression",
paste0("y = ",
signif(lin_mod$coefficients[1], 3),
" + ",
signif(lin_mod$coefficients[2], 3),
paste0("r^2 = ", signif(summary(lin_mod)$r.squared, 3)),
sep = "\n")
) %>% add_annotations(
x = 0.1, y = 0.9, xref = "paper", yref = "paper",
textposition = 'top left',
text = paste0("Correlation pearson = ", cor_pearson,
"\nCorrelation spearman = ", cor_spearman),
xanchor = 'center',
showarrow = FALSE
) %>% layout(
xaxis = list(title = "Trait 1"),
yaxis = list(title = "Trait 2"),
legend = list(x = 0.9, y = 0.9),
title = "Example of genetic values\nfor the initial population"


value = reactive({
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ui/ui_admin_loggedIn.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ game_initialisation_tab_content <- div(

Expand Down

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