Students Enroller (Database Tables Version) is a C++ program that allows the user to select, insert, print, and join students and grades tables information using the Finite Set (represented as database tables) and Linked List (represents rows in a table) data structures. This program is made-from-scratch and does not utilize the C++ Standard Template Library (STL).
- Compile: g++ *.cpp
- Run Program: ./a.out
- insert students <student-id> <first-name> <last-name>: Inserts a new student into the Finite Set (represented as a students table in a database).
- Examples:
tables> insert students 5 Mickey Mouse tables> insert students 2 Papa Smurf
- Examples:
- insert grades <student-id> <term> <year> <grade>: Inserts a new grade into the Finite Set (represented as a grades table in a database).
- Examples:
tables> insert grades 1 Spring 2016 B tables> insert grades 2 Summer 1738 A
- Examples:
- select <table-name> <attribute-name> <value>: Selects a set of user-defined values from a table and prints out the resulting rows returned.
- Examples:
tables> select students id 2 (2,Papa,Smurf) tables> select grades term Summer (2,Summer,1738,A)
- Examples:
- print: Prints out all of the rows of a table from the Finite Set in tuple notation.
- Notes:
- students table format: (id,firstname,lastname)
- grades table format: (id,term,year,grade)
- Examples:
tables> print students (5,Mickey,Mouse)(2,Papa,Smurf) tables> print grades (1,Spring,2016,B)(2,Summer,1738,A)
- Notes:
- join: Joins the students and grades tables based on the following attribute order: (id,firstname,lastname,term,year,grade).
- Example:
tables> join (2,Papa,Smurf,Summer,1738,A)
- Example:
- quit: Exits the program.
- C++
- Linux
- WinSCP
- Finite Set
- Linked List
- This program should be compiled and executed in a Linux Operating System environment.
- This program has been tested extensively, without error, through the University of North Texas's Praktomat testing system.