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Ansible check debian:latest #211

Ansible check debian:latest

Ansible check debian:latest #211

name: Ansible check debian:latest
- cron: 15 12 * * 1 # At 12:15 on Monday.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Important: This sets up your GITHUB_WORKSPACE environment variable
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: ansible check with debian:latest
# replace "master" with any valid ref
uses: roles-ansible/check-ansible-debian-latest-action@master
targets: --tags mini,cli,gui,dev --skip-tags skip_in_ci,navi local.yml
# [required]
# Paths to your ansible role or playboox.yml you want to test
# Some Examples:
# targets: "role/my_role/"
# targets: "site.yml"
# group: ""
# [optional]
# When testing playbooks you have to tell ansible
# the group you that we write in our hosts file.
# example:
# group: 'servers'
# hosts: ""
# [optional]
# When testing playbooks you have to give one example
# host this action should use to test your playbook.
# > We only spawn one docker container that mean
# > we can only test one host at the time. Sorry
# some examples:
# hosts: 'localhost'
# hosts: ''
# requirements: ""
# [optional]
# When testing playbooks and you are using ansible galaxy,
# you may be interested in installing your requirements
# from ansible galaxy.
# To do this please provide us either the role name directly
# requirements: 'do1jlr.ansible_version'
# or your requiements.yml file.
# requirements: 'requirements.yml'