Transforms gyrosensor (gyroscope) data on mobile via WLAN into keypress on PC.
- Mobile could be mounted on a wobble board
I started this project because I could not find something similar - if there is something similar, please write me
- install on your android from appstore: "sensor fusion" from lunds universitet
- select "complement tilt", "complement yaw" on second screen and send it via WLAN to your ip adress of your pc
- GyroToKey
- Install:
- Start GyroToKey.jar: You have two options to start:
"java -jar GyroToKey.jar" and
"java -jar GyroToKey.jar g"
the last one starts with graphical chart output.
- Start with graphical output and move your phone. You should see the chart moving
- Test if buttons are hit for your correctly. E.g. open SuperTuxKart directly or use an empty document or a site like
- if the treshholds for moving the phone are correctly, fine. Otherwise you need to adapt the class
- Open SuperTuxKart game or whatever you want to use with the keypresses
- Mount your phone on a wobble board if you want
Open issues, help to develop further for other games, or other apps
- awkward key presses
- Settings in robot class:
- robot.setAutoWaitForIdle(true); //make it more precise but slow
- Changed from Observer pattern to multi thread application communicating via queues. To slow processing of incoming UDP is not the reason :-/. Still hanging keys and delays while key presses
- Disadvantage now: No seperation in main now if gui should started or not. Now it's always started (now issue due to multi threaded)
- tried also with xev on command line to see key presses. Could not find issues.
- Settings in robot class:
- Ideas:
- configure treshholds in properties or via a GUI
- more keystroker classes for other games
- interfaces for everything to cope with different android applications or games
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- key words: gyro2key, wobble board, balance board, key press, key stroke, surfboard game controller, transform / translate movements into keyboard key press