Scientific Calculator for AmigaOS classic
I originally wrote this Scientific Calculator utility as part of my computing studies back in 1996 and always intended to release it to Aminet, but never quite got around to it.
I designed it to be a scientific version of the AmigaOS 3.1 built in calculator. Thus it has the following features:
- Font sensitive GUI, style guide compliant
- Clipboard support
- Tape window
- Uses math* libraries for most functions
Plus some extra features
- Scientific functions (of course) including ability to work in and convert hex and binary
- AmigaGuide help
- Multiple memory registers
Released on Aminet in 2003, I'm releasing it again on GitHub under an MIT license. I welcome anyone who wants to pick it up, and especially anyone who wants to fix the bugs (notably in the combination and permutation functions) and upgrade it to OS3.9 features, including
- Reaction GUI
- locale support
- Arexx port
- Commodity support
- New icons