This is a simple application that scrapes a website extracts the products information and outputs the details as JSON into the console.
**The description of each product was not parsed as it doesn't seem to be present anymore on the indevidual products page. The information under the description header on the individual product page seems to match the title. **
Java 8
From the base directory run the following command
bash gradlew test
gradlew.bat test
From the base directory run the following commands
bash gradlew fatJar
This builds the jar file with all its dependencies. Now run
java -jar build/libs/simple-scrape-all.jar
gradlew.bat fatJar
This builds the jar file with all its dependencies. Now run
java -jar build/libs/simple-scrape-all.jar
- Dependency injection to allow IOC
- Short of converting the back end to provide JSON for the website to read, this app may be best served as a Rest API.