Tabak is a zenburn inspired theme with a dark and light variant. It comes with warm and mellow color palettes, and waives loud highlighting in favor of decent but still recognizable and consistent decorations.
Currently, the following is covered
- font-lock
- widgets
- show-paren
- undo-tree
- ido
- rainbow-delimiters (In actual rainbow colors! 🌈)
- Magit
- Org
- Cider
- mu4e (from 2015, probably deprecated)
Please, report any problems on the issue tracker. If you want to add something, do not hesitate to send a pull request.
Either from MELPA, M-x package-install RET tabak-theme RET
, or
by copying the repo into your load-path
. Then
(require 'tabak-theme)
;; light variant
;; dark variant
uses frame-background-mode
to determine
colors. To toggle between dark and light variants, the function
is provided. It is convenient to bind this globally,
for example
(global-set-key (kbd "<C-F12>") 'tabak-theme-toggle)
(use-package tabak-theme
:commands (tabak-theme-dark)
:init (tabak-theme-dark)
:bind (("<C-F12>" . tabak-theme-toggle)))
Please, see LICENSE