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This repo is based heavily on this very awesome repo by @davidmarkclements. Normally I would have forked his repo but between the branches and the changes I made, I didn't know how a fork would turn out.

Feel free to discuss ideas by opening an Issue.

Screen shot

What is this?

This repo combines Polymer and the Seneca pattern matching engine. The goal is to develop a system whereby microservices are used throughout, both client and server.

Reason for changes

Add a Stager transport to handle the following scenarios:

  • Lazy-load components when they are needed
  • Proactively load components (just) before they are needed
  • Possibly other things listed in the TODO section

{msg} -> Stager -> Local -> Http

I'm thinking of Stager like a stage manager role in a live play. A responsibility of that role is to get actors into their proper positions before they are to go on stage.

Stager is responsible for pulling down components that are needed now or may be needed in the near future. Patterns are registered to it, along with the pattern that corresponds to its component. For example, this would be called if the activity component is not brought down with the 'scaffolding' components during initial app load:


We're just telling the app that 'activity:entry' is a valid msg, but its component hasn’t been brought down yet. Seneca-mesh is great for identifying potential messages the client needs to know about.

Once the component has been pulled in, the msg is removed from Stager and the msg continues on through local and http.


Here are the changes I made, more or less:

  • Started with Spike 2.1
  • Patterned the repo after Node-zoo using Senenca-mesh
  • Changed the Local transport to act on all pattern matches instead of just one
  • Added the Stager transport to lucius-polymer, called before Local and HTTP transports
  • Used seneca-mesh to find the messages whose components are not loaded in initial page load
  • Imported relevant mesh service patterns into lucius on initial page load
  • Commented out link import for the activity service

We end up with the pattern 'activity:entry' with no activity component on the page. When 'service1:action1' returns and sends the msg act('activity:entry',fn), stager first sends the 'activity:component' message to import the activity component. Then 'activity:entry' is allowed to continue, hitting the local transport.

Hacky stuff (that I can remember)

  • After calling mesh {'get:members'} I'm doing some filtering to get specific patterns. Can mesh be extended with this functionality?
  • For the api we're kinda locked into this role:cmd pattern at the moment var url = '/api/'+compPattern.role+'/'+compPattern.cmd
  • Used response code 204 after stager successfully imports a component. Maybe something else would be better.
  • Used mesh pin to identify services that have components with client:'web'. Unfortunately, this makes the mesh pin differ from the service patterns and uses pin for something other than what was intended.

.add({role:'activity',cmd:'entry'}) vs {pin: 'role:activity,cmd:entry,client:web',


  • This raises the question, what's the best way to identify component meta data such as target-viewport, version, type (scaffold vs non-scaffold), etc?
  • Does {model:consume} ensure just one component will be found for a given pattern?
  • Should component pin include a name for the component? Require all components to be uniquely named?
  • Should the build process automatically identify components included in first page load, rather than declaring "client:web-scaffold"?
  • Pattern matching is great on the server. Does it break down for mu components or make it that much better?
  • What's the best way for component services to pull in dependent components?

TODO (maybe)

  • Needs to be put in a web worker
  • Implement a 'standby' functionality to explicitly bring components down before they are needed
  • Figure out how to bring down multiple (related) components with one message
  • Add more test cases
  • Add a repl service like ramanujan
  • Add a component versioning schema
  • Push real-time mesh component additions/changes down to clients (service worker?)
  • Add A/B testing functionality
  • Add functionality to capture site usage metrics
  • Vulcanize for a prod environment
  • Explore other transports for stager (streams, etc)
  • Fix the build (npm install) warnings
  • Update node version to latest from 4.0.0

To Fix

  • Components should be pulled from cache on reload
  • On page load sometimes the UI is positioned all the way to the left. Work-around: reload until it's centered


What if the client doesn't want the component on the screen yet?

If the comp is proactively loaded, the layout itself decides if and where the component is loaded. If the activity component is loaded before it's needed, you'll need to add something like:

var dynamicEl = document.createElement("activity-cmp"); document.body.appendChild(dynamicEl); the document before 'activity:entry' msg is sent.


  • nvm use 4.0.0
  • npm install fuge --global
  • clone or fork this repo
  • cd [this repo]
  • fuge build fuge/compose-dev.yml
  • fuge shell fuge/compose-dev.yml
  • fuge> start
  • http://localhost:8000/

When a service action button is clicked, the activity component will be downloaded and then immediately used.

Spike 3

  • finding the mu api ideal

Previous Spikes

Spike 2.1

  • addresses styling
  • components use material design polymer components, with neutral styling
  • component styles use the css-apply-rule to declare expected mixin names, e.g. .action { @apply(--service2-btn); }
  • the new theme service supplies a component that defines relevant mixins
  • theme component can then by imported as a shared style to both the app and other components
    • currently just imported into app
  • this approach gives us modular, composable CSS that can be broken down to an app, page, component or element basis
  • the only tricky part is knowing the css mixin namespaces of each service, we can handle this by exposing a service action that returns relevant mixin names for a service component, and setting up namespace mixin aggregation service, which allows us to do things like, quickly create a style theme template, check available mixin namespaces against current defined mixing, etc.

Spike 2

  • polymer
  • still uses bootstrap classes
  • no need for main.js at all!
  • each service has a component folder, containing
    • template.html - the template for the component
    • styles.css - style for the component, obviously supports scoped styling via :host - no styles in this spike, will be in next
    • definition.js - defines the component, click handlers etc.
    • index.js - function that returns object with html property (as component.js before), assembles custom element from templates, styles and definition.
  • import custom elements from service components
  • components add their own actions on instantiation (see activity/component)
  • components trigger actions based on user interaction (see service1/component)
  • the component itself has add, act (uses lucius-polymer to do this, may break that into it's own module)

Spike 1.2

  • normalize error handling
    • i.e. all errors come through callback first param, instead of potentially in response objects
  • simplify services.js

Spike 1.1

  • introduces lucius - browser-side seneca microservices
  • removes the need to export script from component (pattern matching etc. replaces this approach)
  • enforces idea of microservice pattern matching across browser and server

Spike 1

  • Simplest most common libs possible
  • jQuery
  • bootstrap
  • ignores the styling issue


Polymer + Seneca (Based on repo by @davidmarkclements)







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