Simple ECP endpoint client for powered applications
Env vars:
- DEBUG - debug mode or not - default false
- PORT - listening on port - default 5000
- WSDL - wsdl file location
- ECP_ENDPOINT - ECP endpoint URL, not required if WSDL property points to ECP node
- CONFIRM_RECEIVE - will wait for "RECEIVED" or "FAILED" status for each entity before writing back to Sesam if true - default false
- RECEIVE_TIMEOUT - confirm receive timeout in seconds - default 5 sec
"_id": "<sesam id>",
"receiverCode": "<destination endpoint>",
"businessType": "<message type>",
"content": "<string content>",
"senderApplication": "<sender application name>",
"baMessageID": "<baMessageID>"
"_id": "<sesam id>",
"ecp_message_id": "<previously assigned ECP id>",