This project implements a Face Mask Detection model using a custom Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The model classifies images into three categories:
- People wearing masks
- People not wearing masks
- People wearing masks but in an incorrect manner
The dataset used for training and testing is obtained from Kaggle, specifically the ["Face Mask Detector (mask, not mask, incorrect mask)" dataset].
To run the notebook locally, follow these steps:
# Clone the repository
git clone
cd face-mask-detection
# Install the required dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download the dataset from Kaggle using the Kaggle API key. Upload your Kaggle API key (kaggle.json) as mentioned in the notebook.
# Download the dataset using Kaggle API
!kaggle datasets download -d spandanpatnaik09/face-mask-detectormask-not-mask-incorrect-mask
# Unzip the downloaded dataset
!unzip -d dataset
Below are sample images from the training dataset:
Open the Jupyter notebook Face_Mask_Detection.ipynb in your local environment and run the code. Make sure to adjust any paths or configurations if needed.
The following data augmentation techniques are applied to the training dataset:
- Rescale: Pixel values are rescaled to the range of [0, 1].
- Rotation: Random rotation of images by up to 20 degrees.
- Width Shift: Random horizontal shift of images by up to 20% of the total width.
- Height Shift: Random vertical shift of images by up to 20% of the total height.
- Zoom: Random zooming into images by up to 20%.
- Horizontal Flip: Randomly flip images horizontally.
The Face Mask Detection model is built using TensorFlow and Keras. The CNN model architecture consists of several layers, each serving a specific purpose in the image classification task.
- Convolutional Layers: Three convolutional layers with 64 filters and a kernel size(2x2).
- MaxPooling Layers: Three max-pooling layers with a pool size of 2x2.
- Flatten Layer: Flattens the output from the convolutional layers into a one-dimensional array.
- Dense Layers: Two dense layers with ReLU activation functions. The first dense layer consist of 128 neurons, providing a high-level representation of the learned features. The second dense layer, with 3 neurons and softmax activation, produces the final probability distribution for the three classes ('with_mask', 'without_mask', 'incorrect_mask').
- Dropout Layer: Introduces dropout regularization with a rate of 0.5 to prevent overfitting during training.
Below are some predicted label images from the test dataset:
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Dataset: Face Mask Detector (mask, not mask, incorrect mask)
- TensorFlow and Keras for deep learning tools