This is a collection of ant tasks that provide functionality based on the Okapi Framework.
Currently, it supports 5 tasks:
- tasks for implementing a translation workflowokapi:mkbconf
and `okapi:installbconf - tasks to work with batch configuration (bconf) files for use with Longhorn.okapi:exec-pipeline
- execute a pre-defined okapi pipeline
The tasks depend on both the okapi-ant jar and also on the presence of the Okapi framework itself. Task definition then typically looks something like this:
<property environment="env"/>
<condition property="okapi.lib" value="${env.OKAPI_HOME}/lib"
<isset property="env.OKAPI_HOME"/>
<!-- The task needs both its own code and an okapi installation to
load. -->
<path id="okapi.classpath">
<fileset dir="${okapi.lib}" includes="**/*.jar" />
<fileset dir="${basedir}" includes="okapi-ant-1.4.jar" />
<!-- Load all the tasks in the okapi namespace. -->
<taskdef uri="antlib:com.spartansoftwareinc.okapi.ant"
classpathref="okapi.classpath" />
The antlib.xml file will define all tasks within the okapi:
Task documentation is available on the wiki.
Sample ant files that demonstrate the various tasks can be found in the
Okapi M35 or later is required.
As Okapi M35 and later requires Java 7, so too does this project.
okapi-ant is licensed under the LGPLv3.