This is a collection of libraries to support the Tinkercademy Tinker Kit. Created with ElecFreaks, the Tinker Kit is designed for students and tinkerers to create a variety of digital making projects, and includes the following modules:
- Tinkercademy GVS Breakout Board
- OLED Display
- Mini Servo
- Passive Buzzer
- PIR Sensor
- Crash Sensor
- Soil Moisture Sensor
- ADKeypad
- Potentiometer
- LED Bricks in 3 colours
This package includes the following new MakeCode drawers and blocks, helping to abstract pin read/write concepts into simple-to-understand blocks:
- OLED package (source)
- Crash Sensor: blocks to enable the crash sensor (sets pin mode to pull up), and detect when pressed
- PIR Sensor: block to test if sensor is giving an ON signal
- Soil Moisture Sensor: block to retrieve the soil moisture reading from the sensor
- ADKeypad: blocks to test for each button pressed
- LED: block to toggle the LED on or off
Tutorials: Tinkercademy Micro:bit Page
Questions? Email us
Keywords: tinkerkit, GVS, tinkertanker
- for PXT/microbit