Update to v0.8.1
Fixes and extensive testing for the more crippling bugs present in the previous release.
- Add: Config option for adjusting solo diving depth.
- Add: Config option for maximum number of fragments per biome.
- Add: Random Start option that is less punishing. Previous "Random" option has been renamed to "Chaotic Random".
- Balance: Default solo diving depth reduced to 200m.
- Balance: Default for Tools and Upgrades as ingredients is now "Never".
- Balance: Fragments are much more abundant and scale to the required number of scans.
- Balance: Certain fragments are no longer available from depth 0m, which reduces cluttering in the starting areas.
- Balance: Reduced maximum number of fragments per biome.
- Balance: Seaglide is now always available by 100m.
- Fix: Fragments are now randomised properly if recipe randomisation is disabled.
- Fix: Fragments no longer spawn exclusively at Degasi Seabase 2.
- Fix: Fragments respect laser cutter restrictions.
- Fix: Prawn suit fragments no longer need upwards of 20 scans.
- Fix: Prawn suit fragments no longer look like Seamoth fragments.
- Fix: Recipes are now able to have only 1 ingredient, instead of 2.
- Fix: Spoiler log now displays fragment spawn locations correctly.
- Removed: Mod options menu randomising button no longer asks you to press it twice.