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Enhanced FetchContent for Hermetic project dependency builds in CMake


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Enhanced and compatible FetchContent with source+build caching, install tree caching and

Usable with either cmake or cmake-re this CMake module provides an integration of Third-party libraries into the project's CMake build system giving better control (in regard to especially toolchain matter).


# Bootstrap hfc : Copy this after your project() call
  GIT_TAG main
  SOURCE_DIR "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/thirdparty/cache/hfc/src"
  SUBBUILD_DIR "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/thirdparty/cache/hfc/subbuild"
  BINARY_DIR "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/thirdparty/cache/hfc/bin"

The different dependencies are made available to the project's targets as libraries and executables that can be "target linked" or "found" as one would normally expect in a modern CMake build system.


When used with cmake the dependency builds are placed as content builds in isolated source / build / install trees in a folder structure under <build-prefix>/_deps/<content-name>-<src|build|install|...>.

The hermeticity extends to the level that the dependency builds are not aware of each other unless they are made find_package-able explicitely using the options in the FetchContent_MakeHermetic() declaration for each respective dependency.

Build Graph reorganization

Depending on the selection of either being made available at build time or configure time by using:

  • HermeticFetchContent_MakeAvailableAtBuildTime(<content-name>)
  • HermeticFetchContent_MakeAvailableAtConfigureTime(<content-name>)

The dependency will be either just configured or build and configured during the project's configure phase. The former case guarentees best performance when running the builds because dependencies can be built as needed (as they are fully integrated in the build graph).


Relying targets scanning technique to enable depending only on FetchContent install/ trees, when used with cmake-re the builds of the dependencies are executed in a manner that enables them to be cached independently of the project to improve cache hits and library build reeuses on the L1 cache (by using cmake-re's mirroring and caching technology).

This feature allows to save time needlessly spent on CI runs checking out code of thirdparties instead of building changes.


Hermetic FetchContent provides an out of the box integration with cmake-SBOM by DEMCON (which can be either auto-bootstrapped or provided by your project - if include(sbom) works the provided version is used)

The feature is enabled by default but can be disabled by setting the option HFC_ENABLE_CMAKE_SBOM to OFF

To add information about licences and author to the metadata you can:

  SBOM_SUPPLIER "Mr. Wonderful"

Here's how to trigger the actual SBOM generation (should be placed after all dependencies were registered)

  OUTPUT "my-awesome-sbom.spdx"
  LICENSE "Proprietary"

How does it compare to CPM ?

CMake FetchContent popularity is constantly growing with projects like CPM or cmake-init.

However plain FetchContent or CPM lacks serious features :

  • Only works with high quality CMake dependencies: OpenSSL, autotools build systems and real-life CMake projects with no consideration for FetchContent aren't supported
  • It needs to clone all sources on builds
    • hfc can fetch only the install tree of a dependency when cmake-re is enabled
  • It builds everything from source every time : no build caching
  • Needs polluting main projet and descendent variable scope to configure dependencies
    • If one wants to configure 2 dependencies using the same option name with different value it can be problematic.
  • Missing support for dependencies traceability and SBOMs

With HermeticFetchContent we solve this by enhancing FetchContent with :


  • Dependencies are made available to each other selectively
  • FetchContent libraries that can find_package their dependencies
  • If cmake-re in use absolute hermeticity guaranteed


When run within cmake-re : If an install cache is available it doesn't even pull the sources If pointed to an HERMETIC_FETCHCONTENT_INSTALL_DIR, it can reuse install tree locally also in plain CMake. With cmake-re it pulls it automatically from your user or organization cache.

Build Graph Reorganization

  • Choose wether the library needs to be built before project builds or mixed in your build graph :
    • HermeticFetchContent_MakeAvailableAtBuildTime()
    • HermeticFetchContent_MakeAvailableAtConfigureTime()


  • Run the hfc_generate_sbom and you will get you a full SBOM in SPDX format

Developer Guide

You can run the HermeticFetchContent test suite this way:

  • cmake -S . -B build/ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=toolchain/toolchain.cmake -GNinja [*]
  • cmake --build build/
  • ctest -R check_options_and_defines_forwarding

[*] Additionally the following variable can be defined to ease development:

  • export HFC_TEST_SHARED_TOOLS_DIR=$PWD/thirdparty/cache/.hfc_tools

  • HFC_PROJECT_HFC_SOURCE_CACHEDIR to use a common source cache for the builds of the test project

  • HFC_PROJECT_HFC_BASEDIR to use a common "HFC base dir" (which will contain the dependency install trees)

  • HERMETIC_FETCHCONTENT_TOOLS_DIR if you have one, avoid rebuilding goldilock too frequently, by default a ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/.hfc_tools/ directory will be created


Please refer to Contributing for details.


Authored with love, blood and tears in Zürich, Switzerland by team

See all awesome contributors in LICENSE :

  • Ruslan Baratov
    • Parts of HermeticFetchContent rely on CMake modules extracted from Ruslan Baratov's hunter (BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License)
  • Edward Nolan @enolan-maystreet