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React Native Tipsi custom UI elements


<Counter />

Component to change the number by press "+" or "-".

Counter Props

Name Desc Type Default
step Step of counting. Number 1
defaultValue Uncontrolled value of counter. Number 0
minValue Max value of counter. Number -Infinity
maxValue Min value of counter. Number Infinity
value Controlled value of counter Number undefined
onValueChange Handle value changes. Function () => {}


import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'
import { Counter } from 'tipsi-ui-kit'

class Example extends PureComponent {
  handleValueChange = value => console.log(`Current value is ${value}`)

  render() {

Counter Themes

Theme structure:

  container: <View />,
  button: <TouchableOpacity />,
  leftButton: <TouchableOpacity />,
  rightButton: <TouchableOpacity />,
  buttonText: <Text />,
  valueWrapper: <View />,
  value: <Text />,


counter_ios counter_android

<Dash />

Component to draw customisable dashed lines

Dash Props

Name Desc Type Default
style Dash container style as for View component Object {flexDirection = 'row'}
dashGap Gap between two dashes Number 3.5
dashLength Length of each dash Number 3
dashThickness Thickness of each dash Number 1
dashColor Color of each dash String #c7d1dc


import React from 'react'
import { Dash } from 'tipsi-ui-kit'

const Example = () => (


dash_ios dash_android

<Carousel />

Carousel component

Carousel Props

Name Desc Type Default
spacer Space between last item and right side Number 0 All other props for ScrollView component except horizontal - -

Carousel.Item Props

Name Desc Type Default
active Show item as active Boolean false
onPress Handle press action Function undefined
onRemove Handle remove action Function undefined


import React from 'react'
import { Text } from 'react-native'
import { Carousel } from 'tipsi-ui-kit'

const Example = () => (
  <Carousel spacer={10}>
    <Carousel.Item active>
    <Carousel.Item active>
    <Carousel.Item active>

Carousel Themes

theme structure:

  container: <ScrollView />,

<Carousel.Item /> theme structure:

  container: onPress ? <TouchableOpacity /> : <View />,
  active: <View />,
  remove: <TouchableOpacity />,
  removeIcon: <Icon />,
  removeCircle: <View />,
  gap: <View />,


carousel_ios carousel_android

<LabelRating />

LabelRating Props

Name Desc Type Default
title [isRequired] Title of rating, which is shown on the left side String -
rating Rating, which is shown on the right side Number 0


import React from 'react'
import { LabelRating } from 'tipsi-ui-kit'

const Example = () => (

LabelRating Themes

Theme structure:

  container: <View />,
  titleWrapper: <View />,
  titleText: <Text />,
  ratingWrapper: <View />,
  ratingText: <Text />,

Default themes: primary, success, warning, alert


labelrating_ios labelrating_android

<Label />

Label Props

Name Desc Type Default
title [isRequired] Title of label String -


import React from 'react'
import { View } from 'react-native'
import { Label } from 'tipsi-ui-kit'

const Example = () => (
  <View style={{ flexDirection: 'row' }}>
    <Label title="On Sale" />

Label Themes

Theme structure:

  container: <View />,
  title: <Text />,

Default themes: primary, success, warning, alert, black


label_ios label_android

<RangeSlider />

Multi handle slider with text labels

RangeSlider Props

Name Desc Type Default
style RangeSlider container style as for View component Object {flexDirection = 'row'}
startValues Array of one or two numbers. Start values for slider handles positions. Array of Numbers [2, 8]
sliderLength Length of slider Number 280
min The minimum acceptable value of slider Number 0
max The maximum acceptable value of slider Number 10
step Min step of dash scale Number 1
onValuesChangeStart Call when handle start motion Function -
onValuesChange Calling while handle do motion Function -
onValuesChangeEnd Call when handle end motion Function -
customMarker Custom marker to slider handle Function -
valueRenderer Function which change slider text if need. Function -


import React from 'react'
import { RangeSlider } from 'tipsi-ui-kit'

const Example = () => (
    values={[25, 75]}
    valueRenderer={value => `$${value}`}

RangeSlider Themes

Theme structure:

  container: <View />,
  fullTrack: <View />,
  track: <View />,
  selectedTrack: <View />,
  valueContainer: <View />,
  twoMarkersValueContainer: <View />,
  valueWrapper: <View />,
  valueText: <Text />,
  markerContainer: <View />,
  topMarkerContainer: <View />,
  marker: <View />,
  pressedMarker: <View />,
  touch: <View />,

Default themes: primary, success, warning, alert


rangeslider_ios rangeslider_android

<Expand />

Expand component

Expand Props

Name Desc Type Default
title Always visible. String -
description In close state cropped to one line. String -
defaultExpanded Default state of component. If it true component will be rendered in open state Bool false
icon Disclosure indicator for close state \n name - icon name for FontAwesome Object { name: 'chevron-down', color: ThemeConstants.LIGHT_GRAY, size: 12 }
expandedIcon Disclosure indicator for close state \n name - icon name for FontAwesome Object { name: 'chevron-up', color: ThemeConstants.LIGHT_GRAY, size: 12 }
children Child element will be shown only in open state Node -


import { Expand } from 'tipsi-ui-kit'

  title="Winemakers Notes:"
  description="The 2012 vintage in Napa Valley was about as close to ‘normal’ as it gets! "

Theme structure:

  container: <View />,
  titleWrapper: <View />,
  descriptionWrapper: <View />,
  childrenWrapper: <View />,
  titleText: <Text />,
  descriptionText: <Text />,


expand_ios expand_android



To customize components themes or add your own you can use ThemeRegister manager:

import { ThemeRegister } from 'tipsi-ui-kit'

  // Change base component styles
  'LabelRating': {
    titleText: {
      fontSize: 30,
      color: 'black',
  // Change success theme for component
  'LabelRating.success': {
    container: {
      backgroundColor: 'black',
  // Add your own theme for component
  'LabelRating.myOwnTheme': {
    container: {
      backgroundColor: 'black',


To open UIExplorer just start mobile app with the react-native command:

react-native run-ios
# OR
react-native run-android

How to add new UI component

For example let's create Button component:

  1. Create a new directory called Button in src directory and create an entry file (index.js) and component file (Button.js) as given below.
// src/Button/Button.js
import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react'
import { Button as RNButton } from 'react-native'

export default class Button extends Component {
  static propTypes = {
    title: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
    onPress: PropTypes.func,

  render() {
    return (

// src/Button/index.js
export { default } from './Button'
  1. Update src entry file (index.js) to export our new component:
// src/index.js
export { default as StarRating } from './StarRating'
// ...
export { default as Button } from './Button' // Add this line
  1. Then write your example in uiexplorer/examples directory like this:
// uiexplorer/examples/Button.js
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import register from '../core/utils/register'
import Button from '../../src/Button'

  type: 'components',
  title: '<Button />',
  description: 'Button component',
  examples: [{
    title: 'Title',
    description: 'Prop: title (String)',
    render: () => (
      <Button title="Example" />
  }, {
    title: 'Handle press',
    description: 'Prop: onPress (Function)',
    render: ({ action }) => (
      <Button title="Press me!" onPress={action('onPress')} />
  1. Update uiexplorer/examples entry file (index.js) to export example for our new component:

    // uiexplorer/examples/index.js
    import './StarRating'
    // ...
    import './Button' // Add this line
  2. Now you can open UIExplorer and click on <Button /> item to see a result.