CI BUild helper
Set of tools to simplify CI/CD pipelines.
env var contents to ~/.ssh/id_rsa file, fix permissions and add key to ssh agent.
Very usefull for ssh operations in GitLab CI related commands
release [version]
Create new release in sentry
Required env vars: `$SENTRY_WEBHOOK` - sentry release webhook url
Defaults: version = current date, url = none
Example: `cibu sentry release '2.0.0-beta1' ''`
supported env vars:
- ssh host (with user, if needed), eg:,
- ssh port. Default is 22TARGET_PATH
- path on target host, where compose file should be placed
docker and docker-compose related commands
login <login>
Run docker login on remote server
Example `cibu compose login user password`
Will run `ssh $TARGET_HOST docker login -u user -p password`
upload [suffix]
Upload docker-compose file with target suffix (if provided) to remote server.
Example: `cibu compose upload qa`
Will run `scp docker-compose-qa.yml $TARGET_HOST:$TARGET_PATH/docker-compose.yml`
pull [docker-compose pull argumets]
Perform a 'docker-compose pull' with arguments (if provided) on remote server in selected dir
Example: `cibu compose pull --parallel`
Will run `ssh $TARGET_HOST 'cd $TARGET_PATH; docker-compose pull --parallel'`
remove <service>
Stop and remove selected service
Example: `cibu compose remove redis`
Will run `ssh $TARGET_HOST 'cd $TARGET_PATH; docker-compose stop redis; docker-compose rm -f redis'`
up [docker-compose up args...]
Run docker-compose up command on target server
Example: `cibu compose up --force-recreate`
Will run `ssh $TARGET_HOST 'cd $TARGET_PATH; docker-compose up --force-recreate'`
update <service>
Stop, remove and recreate selected service
Example: `cibu compose update redis`
Will run `ssh $TARGET_HOST 'cd $TARGET_PATH; docker-compose stop redis; docker-compose rm -f redis; docker-compose up -d --force-recreate --remove-orphans --no-deps redis'`
Run docker system prune and clean volumes marked to remove
Example: `cibu compose cleanup`
Will run `ssh $TARGET_HOST 'docker system prune -a -f; rm -rf /var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/*-removing'`
Show overview and list of modules