cd public_html/ && unzip && rm
scp -r VirtueMart3/* ./ && rm -rf VirtueMart3
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
- Insert URL in the browser :
- Accesses :
login : root
password : qwerty
} - Add a new database and remember the name
- Insert URL in the browser :
- Fill the configuration page.
- Save admin username, password to access.txt file.
- Click next.
- To find database host, insert
docker inspect {docker_mariadb_image}
- where docker_mariadb_image name of your docker mariadb image
- find the IPAddress field, like
- Insert database information :
host : {docker_mariadb_image}
user : root
password : qwerty
name : from a previous step
} - Click next.
- If Hikashop ask to delete the file - delete to confirm that you are the owner of the site.
- Click next and wait until database installing.
- Select demodata for store.
- Click install.
rm -rf public_html/installation
.- Click go to the control panel after installation.
- Click Install VirtueMart.
git clone
.- Extension -> Manage -> Install.
- Select Zip archieve
. rm -rf ems-online-virtuemart
.cd public_html/libraries/emspay && composer install