Based on 'React eventemitter'.
- npm install
- npm run watch
- npm install -g babel-tape-runner faucet tape-watch
- babel-tape-runner src/**/*-spec.js | faucet
- tape-watch -r babel-register src/**/*-spec.js | faucet
- react-motion for animating transition
- Appshell pattern for offline first
- Introduce Service Worker
- Use Immutable.Record for all datatypes (Training, Segment, Total ...)
- Create a script that lists all eventbus subscriptions and emits per source file
- Progressive web application support
- Try out react-material in a branch
- Use TypeError instead of Error for checking parameters
- yellow hint of change
- Use webworkers, if possible, for paralel computing like augmentsegmentdata and calculate totals, see:
- Use a round iconset (see 'movescount') or perhaps a flat one (see google icons)
- Replace 'for loops' by higher order function calls
- Refactor removeX(uuid, array) functions into one generic in objectUtil/arrayUtil
- React components should always use a callback when doing stuff after setState
- functional testing with nightowl or cypress
- Introduce Flow for type checking
- TrainingListComponent should supports categories as accordion or tagcloud
- use const instead of let when possible
- use arrow functions when possible
- button click 'animation'
- button to switch metric/imperial
- start the rest-api via gulp
- Tape coverage with nyc/coverify/tape-istanbul
- Multi column traininglist instead of one long list
- introduce tags
- validate should be more tolerant for invalid segments caluculated by rounding on seconds
- Unregister listeners on remove events (SegmentView et al.)
- Refactor TrainingContainer and TrainingInstanceComponent so they can use common code
- Separate TrainingListStore to keep loaded list of Trainings
- Fix bug in updateTraining (?)
- disable persist button when webservice is offline
- unit tests for makeSegmentsTotal should loop over a list/table of testdata instead of separate tests
- mark segment type
- move segment up or down
- info as 400 pace (800, 1200, 1600)
- display list of paces relative to mp/10kp/etc.
- support comments for a training
- import
- export
- confirm on remove
- hide/show segment
- repeat segment in data
- TrainingComponent: some buttons are not applicable for instances
- Performance tuning with 'key' as a repeatable value instead of random int or createUuid
- Show a dialog 'save current timeline?' when switching plans
- Use a draggable list as used in react-motion (last demo)
- Use a Map (uuid as key) for segments in TrainingInstance
- Use a Map (uuid as key) for days in a plan
- feature: 'move training to another day'
- feature: 'add training as 2nd training 2 a day'
- fix handling of ADD_PLAN_EVT
- load new plan after ADD_PLAN_EVT?
- button for 'compact view'
- button for 'ultra compact view'
- edit feature should open in a modal popup
- add barchart view for a plan (using Draught of Raphael)
- testcoverage for segment total calculation et al.
- training detailView ('showcard' with icons etc.) feature from button, to quickly glance a training
- feature to add a training to a day, iaw: implement 'edit' button
- toggle list/calendar modus
- better display of a day, ex: training type icons and colors
- Support loading multiple plans thus: introduce plan selection component
- use standard paces (MP, LT, 21KP, 10KP etc.)
- feature to allow adding a date to a start or end of a timeline (rest is calculated)
- Support 'move instance to another day' (depends on multiple trainings per day)
- import
- export
- import runkeeper csv
- delete or archive plans