Adds ragdoll physics to Rimworld - "tosses" Pawns and Things based on explosion radii.
Pawns and things get extended with CompProperties_Tossable that handles tossing. Pawns are stopped dead, their jobs interrupted, and their position is set every 4 ticks to a new spot along a Vector from the explosion. When the toss is finished (either at the end of the toss, or when encountering an obstacle/edge of the map) the mod adds a stun (0 unless set by user in mod settings).
Pawns have tweening so they move every frame and look nice. It's a little rubber-bandy currently since there is momentum to the start of the move, but it happens so fast it's not generally an issue.
Things, however, don't tick by default. To toss things, this mod adds a MapComponent_Toss to each map on start that manages Things and forces them to tick (if they are currently Tossing).