This project is a text based user interface application with Ncurses simulating the game 'Snake'.
Every time the snake eats an apple, it grows by one square.
If the snake touches itself or the borders, it's game over.
Then, pressing the 'ENTER' key restarts a new game.
To move the snake: 'w' to go up, 's' to go down, 'a' to go left and 'd' to go right.
'Control C' exits the game.
The score can be seen in the upper left corner.
Have fun!
- Have 'Ncurses' installed
- Have 'clang' installed
- Have 'make' installed
- (This application was developed and tested on a Linux distribution)
$ sudo apt-get install libcunit1 libcunit1-doc libcunit1-dev
$ mkdir build
$ make shape-test
$ make apple-test
$ make snake-test
$ make main