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Music Classification

Reason for Topic

Music is interesting, and we would like to compare classification techniques using machine learning and neural network models trained on song statistical features and Mel Spectrogram images.

Description of Data

The data originates from the GTZAN Genre collection and contains 1000 songs from 10 genres including blues, classical, country, disco, hiphop, jazz, metal, pop, reggae, and rock:

  • 1000 .wav audio files
    • One per song, 30 seconds each
  • 999 .png Mel Spectrogram image files
    • Missing one jazz image file
  • features_3_sec.csv
    • 9990 samples containing 57 statistical features for each song such as average tempo, RMS chromatic shift, etc., over three second samples distributed over the original 1000 .wav audio files
  • features_30_sec.csv
    • 1000 samples containing the same statistical features over the complete 30 second audio files

Question We Hope to Answer

We will compare the following methods for classifying music:

  • Models trained on song statistical features for three and 30 second samples using:
    • Supervised machine learning (classification)
    • Unsupervised machine learning (clustering)
  • Image classification model trained on Mel Spectrogram images using a deep neural network

Interactive Dashboard

An interactive dashboard visualizing the results of this analysis can be found by navigating to this repository's GitHub Pages

Software Resources

General Dependencies

  • Python 3.7.6
  • Jupyter Notebook 1.0.0
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • pandas 1.0.1
  • NumPy 1.19.5
  • PIL 7.0.0

Database Dependecies

  • MongoDB 4.4.3
  • PyMongo 3.11.2
  • GridFS

Model Dependencies

  • scikit-learn 0.22.1
  • TensorFlow 2.4.1

Visualization Dependencies

  • Matplotlib 3.1.3
  • Seaborn 0.10.0
  • Plotly 4.14.3
  • Bootstrap 3.3.7
  • D3.js 5.5.0
  • Plotly.js 1.58.4

Installation Instructions

After cloning this repository, navigate to the root directory and install the necessary dependencies as follows:

Install Using conda

Install into an isolated conda environment with name envname:

$ conda env create --name envname --file=environment.yml

Install Using pip

Install using the requirements.txt file:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

MongoDB Installation and Usage

Next install MongoDB by following the official documentation. After successful installation, use the following steps to create and populate the database that will be used for this analysis:

  1. Launch the MongoDB shell:
$ mongo
  1. Create a new MongoDB database using the mongo shell:
> use Music_db
  1. Exit the mongo shell using <CTRL+D>.

  2. Populate the database Music_db by running all cells in the Jupyter Notebook Load_Data.ipynb.

Optional Manual Data Loading

Alternatively, one can manually load data into Music_db. For .csv data:

$ mongoimport -d <database_name> -c <collection_name> --type csv --file <path_to_csv_file> --headerline

And for the image/wave data:

$ mongofiles -d=<database_name> put <path_to_png_or_wav_file>

If loading data manually, ensure to update with the chosen database and collection names. Also note that mongofiles sets the filename field of each document in the GridFS fs.files collection to the specified <path_to_png_or_wav_file>. One should therefore run the mongofiles command from the root of this repository since this relative path is read and used to extract the data from MongoDB in Music_Classification.ipynb.

  1. Check image and wave file storage from the command line:
$ mongofiles -d=Music_db list
2021-04-17T12:22:58.153-0700	connected to: mongodb://localhost/
Data/genres_original/blues/blues.00000.wav	1323632
Data/genres_original/blues/blues.00001.wav	1323632
Data/genres_original/blues/blues.00002.wav	1323632
Data/images_original/blues/blues00000.png	62497
Data/images_original/blues/blues00001.png	44518
Data/images_original/blues/blues00002.png	80395
  1. Check all data storage within the mongo shell:
$ mongo
> use Music_db
switched to db Music_db
> show collections
> db.feat_3.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("608f7cda932c78feba8e6a15"), "filename" : "blues.00000.0.wav", "length" : 66149, "chroma_stft_mean" : 0.3354063630104065, "chroma_stft_var" : 0.09104829281568527, "rms_mean" : 0.1304050236940384, "rms_var" : 0.0035210042260587215, "spectral_centroid_mean" : 1773.0650319904662, "spectral_centroid_var" : 167541.6308686573, "spectral_bandwidth_mean" : 1972.7443881356735, "spectral_bandwidth_var" : 117335.77156332089, "rolloff_mean" : 3714.560359074519, "rolloff_var" : 1080789.8855805045, "zero_crossing_rate_mean" : 0.08185096153846154, "zero_crossing_rate_var" : 0.0005576872402394312, "harmony_mean" : -0.00007848480163374916, "harmony_var" : 0.008353590033948421, "perceptr_mean" : -0.00006816183304181322, "perceptr_var" : 0.005535192787647247, "tempo" : 129.19921875, "mfcc1_mean" : -118.62791442871094, "mfcc1_var" : 2440.28662109375, "mfcc2_mean" : 125.08362579345703, "mfcc2_var" : 260.9569091796875, "mfcc3_mean" : -23.443723678588867, "mfcc3_var" : 364.08172607421875, "mfcc4_mean" : 41.32148361206055, "mfcc4_var" : 181.69485473632812, "mfcc5_mean" : -5.976108074188232, "mfcc5_var" : 152.963134765625, "mfcc6_mean" : 20.115140914916992, "mfcc6_var" : 75.65229797363281, "mfcc7_mean" : -16.04541015625, "mfcc7_var" : 40.22710418701172, "mfcc8_mean" : 17.85519790649414, "mfcc8_var" : 84.32028198242188, "mfcc9_mean" : -14.633434295654297, "mfcc9_var" : 83.4372329711914, "mfcc10_mean" : 10.270526885986328, "mfcc10_var" : 97.00133514404297, "mfcc11_mean" : -9.70827865600586, "mfcc11_var" : 66.66989135742188, "mfcc12_mean" : 10.18387508392334, "mfcc12_var" : 45.10361099243164, "mfcc13_mean" : -4.681614398956299, "mfcc13_var" : 34.169498443603516, "mfcc14_mean" : 8.417439460754395, "mfcc14_var" : 48.26944351196289, "mfcc15_mean" : -7.233476638793945, "mfcc15_var" : 42.77094650268555, "mfcc16_mean" : -2.8536033630371094, "mfcc16_var" : 39.6871452331543, "mfcc17_mean" : -3.2412803173065186, "mfcc17_var" : 36.488243103027344, "mfcc18_mean" : 0.7222089767456055, "mfcc18_var" : 38.099151611328125, "mfcc19_mean" : -5.05033540725708, "mfcc19_var" : 33.618072509765625, "mfcc20_mean" : -0.24302679300308228, "mfcc20_var" : 43.771766662597656, "label" : "blues" }

Python Database Interface

Loading our data for analysis from Music_db is accomplished in MusicClassification.ipynb using pymongo by instantiating a client and reading the .csv data into a pandas DataFrame:

client = MongoClient("localhost")
db = client[DB_NAME]
collection = db[FEAT_3_COLLECTION_NAME].find()
features_3_df = pd.DataFrame(list(collection))

We then create a GridFS instance to load the image files using the relative path from the working directory as the filename identifier for the function GridFS.get_last_version and convert each each image from RGBA to grayscale:

fs = gridfs.GridFS(db)

images = []

for folder in images_folder:
    files = glob.glob(os.path.join(folder, "*"))
    for file in files:
        # Load image using its relative path as its GridFS identifier
        image_raw = fs.get_last_version(file)
        image_bytes =
        rgba_image =
        rgb_image = rgba_image.convert("RGB")
        gray_image = ImageOps.grayscale(rgb_image)
        image_data = np.asarray(gray_image)
images = np.asarray(images)

Data Exploration and Model Analysis

We first classify music genres by training machine learning models on both the three and 30 seconds .csv data using a Random Forest Classifier (sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier) since it is a robust ensemble learning method, a K-Means Cluster model (sklearn.cluster.KMeans) to compare an unsupervised clustering method, and finally a deep neural network (tensorflow.keras.models.Sequential) to handle the .png Mel Spectrogram images. We then compare the performance of the five models.

Data Preprocessing:

  • All Models:

    • Drop unnecessary columns _id, filename, and length (machine learning only, identification and rendundant for all samples)
    • Convert categorical genre target labels to integers 0 through 9 so that entire data set is numerical
  • Random Forest Classifier:

    • Separate feature data from target genre (column = label)
    • Split data into 75% training and 25% testing using sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split
  • K-Means Cluster:

    • Shuffle feature data (handled for Random Forest Classifier by train_test_split)
    • Scale feature data using sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler for PCA
    • Apply principal component analysis to reduce the 57 features to three principal components using sklearn.decomposition.PCA for cluster visualization in three dimensions
  • Neural Network

    • Convert RGBA images to RGB and then to grayscale and finally NumPy arrays to reduce input dimensionality
    • Split data into 75% training and 25% testing using sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split
    • Normalize the grayscale pixel values by dividing each by its maximum value of 255

Training and Initial Results

  • Random Forest Classifier:
    • features_3_sec.csv:
    • features_30_sec.csv:
  • K-Means Cluster:
  • Neural Network:
    • Followed How to train neural networks for image classification - Part 1
    • Model Summary
    • Model Parameters:
      • Input Flatten layer with 124416 inputs (image width * image height = 288 * 432)
      • Dense hidden layer with 300 nodes and relu activation function
      • Three additional Dense hidden layers with 100 nodes each and relu activation functions
      • Output Dense layer with 10 output nodes and softmax activation function
      • loss function: sparse_categorical_crossentropy
      • optimizer: sgd
      • metric: accuracy
    • Results:

Random Forest Classifier Optimization

Focusing on the highest performing Random Forest Classifier, we optimize the model using sklearn.model_selection.RandomizedSearchCV to perform a grid search over model hyperparameters. This results in the following optimized parameters and accuracies after retraining for the three and 30 second feature data:

  • features_3_sec.csv:
    • Model Parameters:
      • n_estimators = 1400
      • min_samples_split = 2
      • min_samples_leaf = 1
      • max_features = auto
      • max_depth = 40
      • bootstrap = False
    • Results:
  • features_30_sec.csv:
    • Model Parameters:
      • n_estimators = 800
      • min_samples_split = 5
      • min_samples_leaf = 1
      • max_features = sqrt
      • max_depth = 90
      • bootstrap = False
    • Results:
      • Confusion Matrix
        • Decreased contrast relative to three second confusion matrix indicates lower performance
      • Precision vs. Genre
        • Increased variability in precision (0.4 - 0.8) relative to three second model across all genres
      • Accuracy: 66%

We thus find a 2% increase in accuracy training on the three second feature data while no change training on the full 30 second features.

Dashboard Visualization

To create an interactive display of the previous visualizations, we write the classification results to JSON files and concatenate them into results.json. This file has the following structure:

    "ids": [id for each model],
    "metadata": [
            id and model metadata
    "results": [
            "Random Forest precision": {
                precision for each genre
            "K-Means Predicted Class": {
                genre and number of actual occurances in predicted class
            "Neural Network precision": {
                precision for each genre
    "images": [
            id and reference to image associated with model

We then read results.json using D3.js and plot the classification results using plotly.js. This interactive dashboard can be found by navigating to this repository's GitHub Pages.

Conclusion and Future Considerations

In summary, we find the Random Forest Classifier trained on statistical features for three second song samples from 10 target genres to be the highest performing model, reaching 90% accuracy over all 10 genres. In contrast, the K-Means classifier is not an effective method. One should note that since this model is unsupervised, the predicted genre labels do not need to correspond directly to the original labels. One would however expect an accurate model to classify songs from the same genre consistently, but we instead find a random distribution of actual genres for each K-Means predicted genre. Finally, we find the neural network to have significantly worse performance than the Random Forest Classifier, but this could be due to the limited image training set as indicated by the promising training accuracy for the metal genre. We see this same result comparing the Random Forest models trained on three and 30 second feature data, in which the three second data set with roughly 10 times the number of samples leads to significantly higher accuracy.

Considering future analysis, it would be worthwhile to perform more traditional statistical analysis of the .csv feature data using methods such as the one-sample t-test to identify and remove outliers that may hinder machine learning performance. Further, it would be interesting to generate our own features from the raw .wav audio files. This could be accomplished using Python's built-in wave module and the function python_speech_features.mfcc to generate MFCC (Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients) features. This would in turn generalize the model and allow it to be deployed as an automated music genre classifier for any standard .wav audio file.

Google Slides Presentation


machine learning to classify music genre.







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Contributors 4
