I built this app (inspired by @lachlanjc's own schacks-demo) to advertise my Hack Club at our schools' club fair, where all the incoming freshman come to sign up for clubs. My goal was simple: attract as much attention as humanly possible. That is what I did.
It's a website that has a phone number on the screen, and when someone texts that phone number with the name of a color, the screen changes to that color. It has a queueing system to make sure that every color texted gets shown on the screen & there's a live feed in the top left hand corner.
If you'd like to use this yourself, here are the steps:
- Make a Twilio account
- Load it with credit and purchase a phone number
- Host this code somewhere (heroku, Glitch, repl.it, your own server)
- Setup a webhook with Twilio to /twcolor
- Open the site